Monday, December 31, 2012

Stacy's Quilt

Remember this quilt that I said the top's finally finished - Well That was 2 + Years ago.  I was hand quilting it and even though I really like hand quilting, something would happen I'd have to put it away and then it would take me a while to get it back out.  Well now as you can see below - It is done done. Quilted, Bound, and given to my oldest daughter. 

I did end up maching quilting the borders.  I did a cable on the red and echo on the white. 
 Whew One of many UFO's out the door. 

Friday, December 28, 2012

For "Variety"

This was made for a special lady in my life that I have watched grow up since she was a little girl and now she has a baby girl. They named their baby "Variety" and this is the Quilt that I made for her. I appliqued the elephant and bird using needle turn and then embelished with the embroidery detail. Mommy was very pleased.

Blessings - Lynn

Monday, December 3, 2012

The Twins - The Girls

As I work at catching up a years worth of Quilting and Sewing - I am trying to put them all in the order they occurred. If down the road of posts I mix them up - Oh Well.  (smile)

Since I have started quilting I have felt the need to make a baby quilt every time I hear of someone that I'm close to is having a baby.  But after many many failed attempts at having a baby my Nephew and his Wife were having twins.  And since this was my older Sister's first and only Grandchildren, I felt it was only right to let her make the quilts for her grand babies.  She is a wonderful embroiderer, and had started making little animal blocks one of the first times that they were expecting. She actually had about 12 of them made when they discovered they were expecting twins.  So she got back to work and added a few more. 

Then when we were together in March we picked out a pattern that she wanted to do. I helped work out the math of it and then we went and got some fabric.  Then I spent most of one day cutting and sewing to get one quilt top mostly together to show her how to do it (I really hated that - ya right).  Then after leaving she sent me a picture of the other one she finished. Unfortunately she had to quilt them both and bind them but I think she did a wonderful job for her first real quilts and first Grand babies.

Didn't she do a great job. This is a pre-quilted photo.

Of course I made something too - and now have a great gift idea for those hurry up baby gifts that don't necessarily need a quilt.  I made bibs, burp cloths and travel changing pads. Notice the plural, they are twins after all. The changing pads were made with a new material that is water proof and some are using for home made diapers.  (I did not do that).
Here is what I made.

The changing pads have a pocket to put a diaper or two and a package of wipes. 

Well have a blessed day -

PS  The girls arrived about 4 weeks early - we were camping with my Sister and Brother-in-law when the call came in. Needless to say we packed up camp and they headed out to see their new Grand babies. They are now 4 months old doing wonderful.  And we are all so Blessed with our new family members - The Girls - Ava and Brynn. 

Embroidery Machine - Practice +

 I signed up for the Kimberbell mystery block of the month to give me practice with my new embroidery machine.  Here are the January blocks ...