Friday, January 25, 2013

Quilters Show and Tell


You know the quilt I posted about back in November titled "New Beginnings"  - it was for a swap -Well on the same site they have a weekly "Quilters Show and Tell". 

Quilters’ Show and Tell

So guess what this weeks theme was... Yup you guessed it "New Beginnings"  You're so smart. 

And guess what else... I have entered my "New Beginnings" Quilt in it. 

So if you would like to go over there and vote for my Quilt above that would be wonderful, and if nothing else have a look around the Quilting Gallery site it has lots and lots of fun things to see and explore.

Have a blessed day,

Monday, January 7, 2013

Winnie The Pooh

I have had this quilt done for quite a while and then even had it quilted about a year ago - but wasn't sure who I wanted it to go to.  Originally I was going to make it for my grandson, however he is not into Winnie the Pooh (a little old for it )  he's 6 and he's into motor cross and football and computer games.  So I prayed about it and God led me to a friend of ours that has small children and they love Winnie.  :)   So now it is all bound and done and I gave it away this last weekend.  Enjoy little Kayla.
Little did I know - it is Kayla's Birthday this week - so I guess my timing (or God's) of completing this worked out even better. 

Getting these UFO's and WIP  out the Door!


Embroidery Machine - Practice +

 I signed up for the Kimberbell mystery block of the month to give me practice with my new embroidery machine.  Here are the January blocks ...