Monday, September 2, 2013

August New FO Challenge

Well I just realized the last time I posted was for the July New FO.  Although I have other blogs I post to and I'm on the computer all the time ... some how this blog isn't getting updated very regularly.  Oh well - guess that means I'm sewing and starting new projects, which leads me back to what this post is all about - New FO's. 

Not sure where to start - Ok so I have a pincushion swap group so here are my Pincushions that I started (and finished) for August.  The middle one went to Israel.
Then I was part of another swap that was hosted by Michelle at The Quilting Gallery.  It was a Reversible Coaster Swap.  My Partner lives in Australia.  Since I haven't traveled outside the country it's fun for me to know a piece of me gets to go to all these neat places.  Here are the coasters, front and back.

Next I have my Monthly Doll Quilt Swap - and since I know my partner has received her quilt I can show you what I made.


  And for a little added goodie I made a matching pincushion. 

Then, I started my next month's block of  "Daisy Day's"  by Jenny Elefantz.

Mondaisy  and Tuesdaisy are done, here is my Tuesdaisy that was part of last months New FO.

and here is Wednesdaisy. 

Not very far along on that so put the picture in so you could see what it will look like someday.  :) 
Then I got my wool banner of the month ready to do.

And for my last New FO - I started and am almost finished with this little wall hanging for a dear friend of mine in Mississippi,   (yes I say it as I type it... I-s-s-I-p-p-I)  her Birthday was this month - and I missed it. So this will go out in the mail tomorrow.
 I just have one more side to hand stitch the binding down and it should be good to go.  

Well as always, I don't realize how much I've done until I sit down to do these posts.  And there were a couple more things I started that I didn't include so I guess that explains why I felt so busy. 

Have a great day - Thanks for stopping by!

Embroidery Machine - Practice +

 I signed up for the Kimberbell mystery block of the month to give me practice with my new embroidery machine.  Here are the January blocks ...