Friday, June 6, 2014

May NewFO

It's time for the May NewFO....  

I find it quite odd that some months drag on - but others seem to end and you're really not sure they were ever here.  You know that feeling of "Where did May go?" - "Did I do anything in May?"  Well I'm not sure if you do that, but I do.  And as always each month I tell myself that I am going to do more blogging, because really, it's been a whole month since I wrote a post. :)  But I have a solution to that and some exciting news.......... I am retiring and moving from Oregon to Arizona - so I should have more time to blog. The jury is still out on that, because who knows what I'll be doing with all that time, maybe some of my many UFO's.  (No promises) 
So with out further delay - here are my NewFO's for May, that is why you came here right? 

#1.  My Monthly Doll Quilt for the Doll Quilt Swap 

My Partner Aileen and I decided to go with the theme of "Go Modern" But she then was having quilters block so I said I was fine with anything.  Here is the quilt I made her. 

And here is what she made me. Very Bright and Pretty. 

#2.  I did some more Mug Rugs for a swap hosted by Michele at Quilting Gallery

#3. I did two more additions to the Round Robin row by row quilts that I'm involved in. I'm not sure if they read my blog or not so I should probably only show the sneak peeks. Each person had their own fabric and that fabric is sent along with their quilt. The first one is for Patrice, she was going a little with Amish themed blocks so I did some log cabins.  I have to say I'm not sure they are my favorite.  I'll give them another try some day but for now - not the fav. I also did a couple Jacob Ladders.  Here is her peek. 

The next was for Betty my sweet friend from Mississippi, whom even though I've never met has become like a 2nd Sister to me and a very dear friend. She loves Butterflies, Ladybugs and Angels. Others have concentrated on the Butterflies so I did something a little different. Here is a peek of hers. 

#4. On Memorial Day I went over to my quilt teacher and friends house/studio and she showed a couple of us how to me make cloth chalk boards. I haven't finished the hand stitching of the binding, but here are the ones I made.  I want to make one for each of the grand kids, and I thought a smaller one would be great for the fridge. Here they are. 

#5. And the only other thing worked on that warrants any mentioning is I made a block for the months Rainbow Scrap Challenge.  I am using a free pattern that is from "Fat Cat patterns". May's color was Green so here is my green purse. I've been adding a pocket on each one and this time I made it a real pocket. And then each one has buttons on the handle. 

Well that's it for me for May. I am not sure what all June - August will hold. I am working until June 19th. Then packing in the month of July and on July 30th we will be moving.  August will be a time of settling in and getting into new routines. We will be helping out my aging in-laws and so I'm sure there will be new things to fill my day - but I'm sure I'll find a little time to sew somewhere in the day. 

Hope you all have a great month, thanks for stopping by. 

Embroidery Machine - Practice +

 I signed up for the Kimberbell mystery block of the month to give me practice with my new embroidery machine.  Here are the January blocks ...