Thursday, July 3, 2014

June 2014 New FO

It's time for another month of NewFO's - and I'm thankful about that because it makes me do at least one post a month so that I can see what all I've been up to.  The fact that you all get to see it and comment and there's a chance for a prize is just a bonus.  (But don't stop commenting I like them. ) And although life isn't slowing down, I may be able to post more than once a month for the NewFO's.

Big news -   I have retired, yes early and my husband and I are relocating from Oregon USA to Arizona. 

So once we get settled in a little - I'm hoping that I will have more time to journal my plans, goals and accomplishments.  I have good intentions of that now - but life got in the way.  So enough of that for now.  

My NewFO's:  

First up I was in the Doll Quilt Swap again this month -

My Partner was Mary Chow from Canada - the optional theme was "In my Garden" and so this is what I made for her. 

My next NewFO was for my granddaughter.  She requested a few months ago that I make a pillow for her that had "Whosville" stuff on it.  She knew exactly how she wanted it and so after getting just the right fabric and pictures this is her pillow. 

For the last few months I have been in a round robin that is a "Row by Row"  and since we are on a two week turn around, I had two more quilts come to me in June that needed a new row.  Since some of these ladies are connected to me on Facebook and such, and since we are only giving peeks in the round robin, I can only give you peeks of what I did.  But when this is all over I hope to have full pictures of all the quilts and then I can share them with all of you.  
Here is the first one that I added to - and the sneak peeks she got. 

And here is the 2nd one that I added to and the peek she got. 

If you could see the whole thing - it would probably make more sense, but that's all I can give you for now. 

The other thing I worked on is a present for a dear friends birthday - so I can't show that either - so I guess that's all I have for June that I can share or talk about for now.  

In July I am still doing a Doll Quilt Swap, and I will have two more rounds of the Round Robin and then it's done. :)  :(  It's been a lot of fun, and I'm sorry to see it be over.  So with packing and getting ready to move, that is probably all I will have time to do.   We will be in Arizona the first part of August - but with trying to settle in and get things organized, not sure how much sewing will happen.  
My Father-in-law is 88 and my Mother-in-law is 84,  and although my husband and I always knew we would someday move to AZ, we are moving in to help my aging In-laws.  We will each have our own living areas however there will still be some adjustments and arranging to do. Mom (in-law)  is looking forward to having me there to help with doctor appointments, medications and cooking and over all organization.  Although I know it will be work at times, I feel blessed that she has that much trust and faith in me to take over, and I hope I can bless her as well. 

Thanks all for stopping by - Leave a comment if you have time I'd love to hear from you. 

Embroidery Machine - Practice +

 I signed up for the Kimberbell mystery block of the month to give me practice with my new embroidery machine.  Here are the January blocks ...