Friday, May 26, 2023

Just a few Things

 Hello... Yep been almost a year again.  

I always have the best intentions to not let this much time go by, but as you can see, it did again. I do really like being able to see my quilts and a little timeline of what's been happening in life so I'll post a few little things that have happened over the last year.   

So what has been happening over the last year... I'm still working lots and lots of hours.  I'm going to start with this year..  In January we got a new doggie... Her name is Artemis.. we call her Artie. I sometimes call her Emily.. not sure why she just looks like an Emily to me.  But she was 7 months old when we got her so we didn't change it.  She is a moose.... :)  She is American Bulldog and maybe some boxer... so now we have 2 dogs that have at least some boxer in them. 

Here is Artie and Ginger.  They wrestle like they are enemies then cuddle for an afternoon nap.  :)

I have been getting a lot of my quilts quilted by a friend that has a long arm machine.  It's worth every penny to not have to do myself and have them done.  One that I got done and gave to our youngest daughter Taya was the frog quilt.  Hand embroidered... 

My Neice wanted some table runners.  She has a very old fashioned eclectic taste here's what I made... she was over the moon.  She loves teapots. 

In April I went to a quilting retreat.  Since Covid hit there aren't as many local retreats any more so I treasure the ones I get to go to.  This time my Sister got to join us.  

My very good friend Cheryl.  My Retreat partner.  

Worked on a couple of scrappy quilts.  I still need to put borders on... By the time I get to that it might be the next retreat. :) The top one is a Chandelier Quilt. Some patterns call it a Bead Quilt.  I want to put a Seminole border on it (Square in a square). Then this bottom one was a free pattern from Missouri star quilts.  It will have a HST border around it. Below is the picture.  I didn't do mine with the rainbow affect so we'll see now the border will look, I just need to get it done.  

Below is our dinner out one night with our friends Kim and Mary. 

I also like to participate in Wool swaps. They have them 2 to 3 times a year.  This is what I made and sent for the one they had in the spring. 

Here's one of the gifts I got.  She made me a couple other gifts but wasn't done.  She is sending them to me now.  I was happy with this.  She sent this some wool and floss.  But I'm sure I'll love the other stuff too.  
April Started the massive renovation and construction projects around our house.  New garage roof, complete renovation of master bed and bath.  37 ton of new rock...  OMG... :)

We got most of the curtains hung this last weekend and got moved in, just a few finishing touches. 

I have some Quilts to get binding on and another swap to make goodies for.  So I think I'll close this post and work on those things.  Then I'll be able to post some finishes. 

Have a  Blessed day!

Embroidery Machine - Practice +

 I signed up for the Kimberbell mystery block of the month to give me practice with my new embroidery machine.  Here are the January blocks ...