Thursday, December 31, 2009

New Year Planning

Hello everyone -
Well as a lot of you I'm sure we are reflecting on 2009 and planning what to do and not do in the new year....

Well I sat down and made a list of what I have for BOM's, WIP's, UFO's and new projects that I want to do. Then you know as the year goes along, someone will be having a baby and someone will need a housewarming table runner or something and of course you do the swaps and contests and sometimes it's fun to do a thing or two for your own house. AhHa! Now I know why I feel like a chicken with it's head cut off sometimes. :) And I now know why I haven't had much time to post on any of my blogs. I currently have a dozen or so projects in varying stages of being done. Two maybe three of which I am hoping to complete this weekend. Then I have another 6-10 that are planned, material matched with pattern, ready to go, and of course, thoughts of things I want to do. This of course is just my quilting stuff. I also have a few cross stitch, embroidery and crochet things that need to be finished.

So I guess it is easy to figure out what my resolutions or plans for the new year will be.

You're so smart... You guessed on the 1st try... Yes my plan - or resolution is to finish what I've started.

As another part of my plans for the next year I want to get back to posting a little more again. So if I keep up with that, you will be able to see what I do and don't get done.

As a recap I have to say that I did accomplish a lot this last year, I finished the hand quilted queen quilt for my granddaughter (that is now having a baby of her own - new baby quilt coming) 4 baby quilts, 20 pot holders, 10 ornaments, 5 wall hangings, 3/4 of the top of a King size quilt, 2/3s of a quilt as you go King Size Quilt, (it was almost done then I decided to go for a King instead of a double) a twin quilt that just needs to be quilted, and some table runners and place mats. This does not include blocks for swaps and charity blocks I did or some of the things I have started and not gotten very far on or the hand piecing items I am doing. I also have several BOM's that are ongoing and in various stages, one of which has ended and I am almost done with the top.

So I guess I wasn't sluffing off after all, I may just need to channel and focus a little to finish these things up.

So to all my quilting buddies out there... I hope you had a wonderful Christmas and I pray that you have a prosperous and blessed New Year. (With lots of time to quilt!)

With Quilt Hugs and Loves,


  1. Happy New Year to you too. I guess by reading your post that 2010 will go just as fast as 09 did. I have a lot of things I want to finish and do but I haven't made a list, probably won't that way if something doesn't get done I won't feel bad. Good to see you on the blog.

  2. Hi girl, well I figured out a way to get all my projects finished. Instead of a 24 hr. day quilters get to have a 36 hr day. How about that? Plus we still get to sleep !! Honestly, we do what we can, and that's the best that we can do. Take care my friend.


Embroidery Machine - Practice +

 I signed up for the Kimberbell mystery block of the month to give me practice with my new embroidery machine.  Here are the January blocks ...