Well that tine went quick and with spring around the corner I guess it is time that the "Winter Mini Quilts" get done.
Today is the deadline for shipping them off and so my little mini gets a new home. But these are secret swaps so I can't say where it is going yet.
I am still working on my Granddaughters Baby Quilt and I am finishing up a Lap Quilt for my Sister. Sew (ha ha) I will get them done and then post pictures of them as well.
After I get those two done, I have two more baby quilts to get done. One is due at the 1st of next month, I have the pattern and material picked out for it. The other is having a girl, which I just found out, and now I can start planning hers. She is due somewhere at the end of June. I also have a couple of Lap quilts I would like to get done by the end of June for my Dad and Step-Mom, but that may not happen.
And if that's not enough, I have also been working on way too many BOM's and trying to catch them up. But as long as I have a needle and thread I'm okay with whatever I am sewing.
Well Blessings to you all hope your having fun sewing too.
Oh Lynn! The one with the mittens and hat is adoreable! Unfortunately I can't win it cause I didn't join the swap :0)