Next are pictures of the quilt and label I did for my Great-Grandson. He was born 3/27. Welcome Carter James. The quilt wasn't done until April, but I don't think he noticed. :).
He is so sweet and has already taken over all of our hearts. I originally picked this pattern up at last years shop hop, not knowing exactly who it would be for but it worked out great, my Granddaughter loved it and I let her pick out the fabric for it. So here's the quilt and of course I had to have a matching label on the back.

I also just finished, except for the hand stitching of the binding, another lap quilt (pictures soon) and started on another baby quilt. Not sure when I will get back to those BOM's. But that's okay. I love the sewing and it doesn't really matter which quilt or block it's on.
Hope everyone is enjoying their sewing too!