Sunday, May 30, 2010

Project Updates

Of course too much time has passed. But I have been busy... Here are a few of the goodies I have been working on. This is a quilt I did for my Dad's Wife. She is a real sweetie and takes such good care of my Dad. Love ya Shirl. She likes bright and cheery so when a friend of mine gave me a panel that had all of these tulips on it my sister said it reminded her of Shirley. So that's all it took and I set off to create her lap quilt. One of the owners of the local quilt shop helped me find a pattern that framed panel blocks, she also helped me when I ran out of my original purchase of setting fabric that came from a store 300 miles away. Oops! So here it is, including the back with a tulip shaped label.

Next are pictures of the quilt and label I did for my Great-Grandson. He was born 3/27. Welcome Carter James. The quilt wasn't done until April, but I don't think he noticed. :).
He is so sweet and has already taken over all of our hearts. I originally picked this pattern up at last years shop hop, not knowing exactly who it would be for but it worked out great, my Granddaughter loved it and I let her pick out the fabric for it. So here's the quilt and of course I had to have a matching label on the back.

I also just finished, except for the hand stitching of the binding, another lap quilt (pictures soon) and started on another baby quilt. Not sure when I will get back to those BOM's. But that's okay. I love the sewing and it doesn't really matter which quilt or block it's on.
Hope everyone is enjoying their sewing too!


  1. Love the tulip quilt, it is bright and cheery. The baby quilt is darling. Love the elephant label.

  2. That Spring quilt is so nice an bright - it makes me smile just looking at it. The baby quilt is really cute. I know what you mean about the quilting. I love handwork and it doesn't much matter to me what I'm working on either. It's relaxing.

  3. Love them both, but the tulip quilt has such lovely, bright colors:)


Embroidery Machine - Practice +

 I signed up for the Kimberbell mystery block of the month to give me practice with my new embroidery machine.  Here are the January blocks ...