Friday, July 12, 2013

Finish A Long - Q3

she can quilt
Nothing like a challenge to get you moving!
This is my first time of posting for the UFO finishes but boy do I need it.  I was personally challenging myself to get at least one UFO done per month, and that was going okay until April.  We moved and I'm just now getting back into the swing of things.  So without further rambling, here are my Finish A Long goals for this quarter.
1. My first one and this is a Huge one - and is dependant slightly on my friend whom I call wonder woman.  :), my quilter. It has taken me 2+ years to complete this top and now I am sending it to the quilter this weekend. If she has time to finish it by the first part of September, I will finish putting the buttons for eyes on and then bind it.  This will be a huge finish. This quilt is "Sweet Land of Liberty" by Cheri Saffiote Payne - with some modifications and exchanges of a few blocks here and there.  I learned in this BOM and from my fellow quilters in this class - it's okay to not follow the pattern to a tee. 
2. This is a little wall hanging that I actually just started last week.  I have been wanting to try out a Dresden plate and this kit was something I picked up a couple of years ago. I thought this would be a nice way to try out Dresden plates, before I committed to yet another big quilt. I will need to finish the embroidery and then quilt and bind. 

3. This one is done and sandwiched.  Just needs to be quilted and bound.  Then I can put the button on for his eye. This is done with hand dyed wool (no I didn't hand dye) and backed with flannel. 
4. This one just needs the binding finished.  amazing how we can get side tracked and derailed with such a little amount left to do. 

5. This is  another wall hanging. It is a hand sewn quilt project that uses the double stitch method.  I started this several years ago, on one of our driving vacations to AZ.  Hubby drove and I stitched. I need to finish the embroidery then quilt and bind.   

6. And if I'm really as ambitious as I think I am I will quilt and bind this fall wall hanging.  I made this a couple of year ago and off in a pile of UFO's it went. 

So 3 Months - 6 projects that don't have too much to go on them.We will see how far I get.  If this works well I may have all my UFO's done in ### years.    (Wink)
Have a great day and 3rd Quarter.
Blessings, Lynn

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