Friday, August 2, 2013

July - NewFO Challenge

Well July went as fast as June, It's amazing how fast the weeks go by especially when you have projects you want to finish and projects that you start.  For me I'm doing really good at the starting, hence why the NewFO  is a wonderful thing.

  So I made pincushions for my pincushion group swap.  I made a couple of extra as extra gifts to a couple of ladies that needed a little something extra.
They are made out of wool, Blanket Stitched and filled with walnut shells and a little bit of poly fill.

Next you can probably see a Dresden Plate in the background of the picture above. Well I have been wanting to do a Dresden plate which I mentioned in a previous post and so I started a kit that I got a couple years ago.
I really don't have too much more to go on this but - as I was working on this I got one of my many quilt shop news letters and they are having a Mini Quilt Auction to benefit the victims of the OK Tornado's.  There really isn't any theme but they are holding the auction at a new Starbucks Coffee House that is opening right next to their Quilt Store.  So I started another Dresden Plate.. The one you saw part of above. Here is where I am at with it.
                                         Hope - Faith - Love - May Your Cups Over Flow!

  The background fabric is coffee beans.  I will quilt this and send it off to TX.  So I may have a Finished something after all. 

Next last month I showed the BOM that I am doing "Daisy Days" with Jenny of Elefantz...  Well I got my 1st block "Mondaisy" finished and now I am on my second block "Tuesdaisy"  The 3rd block is out but I haven't started it yet so I guess that will be a NewFO for August.  Here are my blocks

It's hard to see in the picture but the little place mat is light pink and blue. 

Yup -  This one needs to be finished.  I'm about 1/2 way there. 

Hmm was there anything else?  Okay guess not - So lastly by not least because I really, really liked how this came out - my July Doll Quilt for the monthly Swap. 

The theme this month was stars and stripes, so this is what I came up with.  I had a little panel that had been given to me and I was hoping that when July came around my partner would like to do the theme and she did. So I cut it apart and added a few things and this is how it turned out.  I don't have many that I struggle giving away - but this would probably make the list.  It is only sweetened, knowing the lady I gave it to seems so incredibly sweet herself.  

This is the back with a little matching pincushion.

Well I think that's it for this month.  I already have at least 3 things lined up for August and it is only the 2nd.  Yikes! 

Have a great month everyone.
Blessings,   Lynn  


Embroidery Machine - Practice +

 I signed up for the Kimberbell mystery block of the month to give me practice with my new embroidery machine.  Here are the January blocks ...