The title pretty much says it all. I know I get busy but really a whole year without one post... So here it is. I gotta have at least one post a year. So, I am recapping some highlights... Newer stuff 1st working backwards - sort of.
December 2024
We had a princess ball at church for the Ladies Life group.
I finished a couple of quilts and mailed them to my sister-in-law and niece in UT, along with a couple of candle mats we learned how to make at Last Minute Lucy class.
My friend Gloria found out I'd never made a tissue box holder so gave me fabric to make one, here it is and a tissue pack holder to match.

Next are the items we learned how to make at the 2 day "Last Minute Lucy" class that Kim hosted.
Gifts I made for coworkers.
Freight Appreciation at work, our ASM Cris decorated like an Italian restaurant, and we ordered in lasagna and linguini.
The New Years Eve Celebration at work.
November 2024
Had Thanksgiving dinner with my sister and Brother-in-law but didn't get pictures of us - just the food. LOL
Another Wool Swap This is what I sent, Pillow, wall hanging, mug rug, candy and scissors.

And here is what I got -
October 2024
Couple of quilt retreats - the 4 day one in Laughlin and the 2 day one in Havasu. Sis and I got our pedicures and there was another Team Depot, painting the VFW hall in Topock AZ.
So this happened... I got an embroidery machine. I will be doing all sorts of new things now. :)
Friend Cheryl helped me through this right before our 4 day retreat.
I did this one on my own.
At the retreat I only did hand work. I got these two gnome blocks fused then did some embroidery on a Halloween quilt I have.
My Sister and I and one of the hosting ladies from 4 day retreat, Judy Jorden.
Team Depot:
September 2024
Our grandson Caleb came to visit. He ate us out of house and home. LOL
Quilted Witch Quilt top finished
There was another Wool Swap
Here's the gifts I got in return
Our Friend Kim and Quilt Shop owner is having little 2 day quilt retreats that each have a theme with learning classes. September was about how to use scraps and crumb quilting. Below is Katherine who helps Kim with these retreats and she is demonstrating a type of scrap quilting.

My Friend Cheryl and I taught how to use crumbs to make new fabric and them make that into a quilt. Here are some blocks I was using and teaching that would use rulers after making new fabric with the crumbs.
Our friend Rosemary and she is next to another of the scrap quilt ideas.

My friend Cheryl.
This is Kim below that hosts these retreats.

Since the Gingerbread Bakeshop ended (no I'm not done) - Calico Patch Design started another wool mystery. "Sunny Gnomes". Here's the 1st couple of blocks.
August 2024
Annual visit from the kids +3. Left front around the table.... Our Jorden (granddaughter) has a boyfriend named Jordan. ( Jo and Dan) Center is grandson Zach, then our new son-in-law Troy and Daughter Taya. The 3rd one not pictured here is Jay.
Grandma (Me) and our new Grandson Jameson aka Jay aka Burro Jay. He got nipped by one of the donkeys at Oatman so he will forever be nicknamed Burro Jay. :)
Back Seat: Jorden, Jordan and Zach.
Zach and the girls... Ginger and Artie.
We took them to the car museum.
My Sweet Hubby.
July 2024
I did some Baby Quilt for people at work.
Manager Cris had her first Grandbaby.. Hazel.
Manger Steven had his second baby a boy - Cooper
This one was for a lady having her first baby.
Progress on Witch Quilt
June 2024
Artie had surgery - She had a disintegrated ACL
She spent summer inside being low key to recoup, my sweet hubby stayed with her and took care of her.
Here's the lay out for Gingerbread Bakeshop
Didn't know there would be two tree blocks, so had to cut off background and re do.
The trees are different but looks so much better on matching backgrounds.
May 2024
Work is a third or more of my life - so going to include a couple things. This is Team Depot.
Home Depot's Community Outreach.
We painted the interior of the Fire Station 921 Fort Mohave AZ.
I started this fireman applique many years ago, but got it finished up and gave to one of our sweet couple friends from church.
We got some cabinets and redid my sewing room - this is one side.
April 2024
Our Daughter got remarried to Troy
Troy and Taya Ray
Got most of Witch's Skirt done.
Another Block from the Gingerbread Bakeshop SAL

March 2024
Here's the 1st block of the Gingerbread Bake Shop done with all the beads and buttons.
Pot of gold cupcakes for celebration at work.
I do a couple of these Wool Swaps a year this was the spring one. Two pillows and some goodies.
Sooo This happened - Troy proposed. Taya said yes. We already knew. It happened in Dec/Jan but Taya's best friend threw them a party in March.
I made this for a friend at work's sister.
Starting this pattern "The Quilted Witch" this year. My friends are supposed to do a little each month.. I know them they'll start and finish before I can even start. They're retired. (and have no patience)
January 2024 ASDS Conference at work. Our theme was "A league of our own"
I started this in November but here is the wool block of the month I'm doing with Calico Patch Designs. Gingerbread Bakeshop.
This is the pattern picture. The first block was this tree.
Here is mine.. Spoiler - the Background will change...
Well, I hope you have enjoyed my trip back through the year. As always, my goal will be to update more regularly... This took me several days to compile and complete and I am sure I'm missing things along the way.
Have a blessed day.
nice embroidery digitizing company amzing *^!^*