Thursday, February 28, 2013

February's UFO - Finished

Well the title pretty well gives it away - But this is a huge accomplishment, on a not so huge quilt. I started this quilt about 3 or more years ago. I hadn't done a lot of needle turn applique and I had never done reverse applique. But hey why start out small.  So I got this pattern with a special purpose in mind. I would paint my down stairs bathroom and hang this on the wall as decoration. Little did I know that with other projects (way too many to confess) it would take me almost two years to complete this wall hanging.  But that's not whole story. After spending another year at a quilters (I don't need to go into details) I finally got it back still needing some - okay a lot of work.  A dear sweet friend who also quilts, picked all the previous quilting out, then re-quilted for me. Oh and did I mention for free. Did I mention she is so sweet.  I am friends with, work with and quilt with her sister and then got to know her. We call her wonder woman because she just whips things up in no time flat.  So with out too much more delay - here is my 3+ year wall hanging.

I'm very happy with how it turned out, (Now) My friend did such a wonderful job quilting it, here's a close up of what she did in the borders - Hopefully you can see it.

And now that I have the binding on, and I even put the little hanging tabs in the back - Yahoo it's done. 

I am trying to get some UFO's done, as many as possible but, my goal is a minimum of one per month.  I've gotten 4 done in the last 3 months so it's going good.

Thanks for reading and have a Blessed Day.


Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Mug Rug Swap

I'm doing another Swap with the Quilting Gallery.  This time it is a "Mug Rug Swap".

Mug Rug Swap

 Some times we are given a theme and then left to design our own projects and sometimes they have a specific patten for us to follow. This time they had two mug rugs from "The Patchsmith" and we were to make one of each. Normally I create these things and send them on their way but I like mug rugs and these are so cute I actually made two of each and I'm keeping a set for myself.  I did one set by hand stitching with a button stitch around the edge and one set I did a straight stitch on the machine. That's the set I'm keeping.

So here they are - I just thought they were so cute.  My partner (Secret partner)  liked red and black and white... so there you have it.  I'm actually done a little ahead of schedule for a change. They will need to be in the mail no later than March 11 because the are going over seas, and I'm going to send them out this weekend.  Yahoo!

Well I have more projects coming up and a UFO for February another big Yahoo for it and a long story to go with it.  I will be posting about it soon. And of course a picture.

Hope you all have a wonderful Blessed day of sewing.

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

New Project & Blog

Hello All,

Well I have joined another group that is doing doll quilt swaps monthly. And if you have followed me at all you know I love swaps. I missed the deadline for this month but will be swapping my first doll quilt in March. The theme is animals and I think I have it planned - but leaving room for a change of mind just in case. Of course I want to be mindful of my swap partners likes and dislikes and I won't know who that is until the end of the month.  Anyway really excited to be part of the new group - oh and I am part of that blog too so it's like having another blog. 

 Doll Quilters

So even though I may make a little post from time to time here - most of my swap blogging will be on that blog site.

Happy Sewing -

Embroidery Machine - Practice +

 I signed up for the Kimberbell mystery block of the month to give me practice with my new embroidery machine.  Here are the January blocks ...