Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Modern Mini Quilt Challenge

Modern Mini Quilt Challenge is finally here.  :0) 

What is a Modern Mini you ask?  Well I am not sure I, or anyone really knows - but after researching I came up with this answer. It is  just something different. Something that is either not traditional or traditional in a new way.

Well I am also in a group of ladies that swap doll quilts every month and on last months quilt I definately tried something different. The theme for the month was called "Shape Shifters" and it was doing a quilt in a shape that was not a normal quilt shape.  So I got some information from my Quilt swap partner, and went to town. (she loves cats) This was the quilt I created for her. My something new, that challenged me happens to be  "curved and inverted corner" binding.

 This is Called "Three Cats Ranch"

And here is a close up of the kitties.

Thanks so much for looking and thank for the challenge now go back here, and look at everybody elses mini quilts. 



  1. Nice job! And so thoughtful to make the kitties..
    I have not been on the blogs in a long time. It is nice to see your posting again. I changed the name of my blog awhile back. It's now By The Seam. I don't post much anymore but would like to get back to reading blogs and blog once in awhile myself..

  2. That is so very cute! And your curved binding is fabulous!


Embroidery Machine - Practice +

 I signed up for the Kimberbell mystery block of the month to give me practice with my new embroidery machine.  Here are the January blocks ...