Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Cabin Fever Party

So what do you do when winter has been too long and cold - You have a Cabin Fever Party with Link ups and gifts.  I'm not actually having the party but Lily Pad Quilting is, and you can read about it here and link up too.

First of all I kept looking out the window wondering if they were going to let us go home early from work.  When that didn't work and I finally got to go home - I took pictures along the way to show what it was like out there.

So then what did I do - Well I stood in awe of the fact that we really were getting snow and that much snow.

 And of course I did a lot of sewing - because here in northern Oregon these snow storms only happen every few years sew I needed to sew sew sew while I could.  And I had a great project that I was working on.  A friend of ours found a quilt top that his Grandma and Mother had worked on in 1968.  Part of it had been stitched by hand and part by machine. It had been in the bottom of a closet somewhere and his Sister was just going to toss it. But our friend wanted to keep it as a memento of his Grandma and Mom.  He asked if I could just spend a couple of hours putting it together.  :)  Well - I fixed some of the blocks and left some of them unsquare - (is that a word). I put a border on to hold it together and used his backing which was flannel.  It needed to be washed but was in such a fragile state I was afraid to.  And the flannel backing was bleeding color on my quilting gloves. But it came together really nice, he loved it, his wife (who hated it at first) loved it when I was done, and one of his sons said his Grandma would have been very pleased.  Awwwww  that was so special.   With what repairs I did do, sandwiching, quilting and binding - it took over 20 hours - I've never kept track of my time before, so that was interesting.  but well worth it for the cause.  Here is the quilt -

When my sweet hubby finally had enough of been cooped up we walked to the grocery store, it's very close to our house.

 I had some other things I worked on too, when I needed a break from the quilt.  but I'll save those for a little later. All the snow is gone and life is back to normal.  So head back over to Lilly Pad Quilts and check out what others did for their cabin fever.
Blessings,   Lynn


  1. What a special project to work on no matter whether during 'cabin fever' or any time. Lovely story and lovely quilt.

  2. What a lovely project! What did you end up doing to stop the bleeding? Did you just soak it? Just curious - always looking for tips : )

  3. A lovely quilt and a fantastic story. Thanks for sharing it.

  4. A sweet story of the quilt, and boy, am I glad we didn't get that much snow here! LOL
    Thanks for partying with us!


Embroidery Machine - Practice +

 I signed up for the Kimberbell mystery block of the month to give me practice with my new embroidery machine.  Here are the January blocks ...