Tuesday, March 31, 2015

By Some Threads

Well this is a wonderful finish that almost didn't get done.  I worked through the month and I had such fun continuing to practice my free motion quilting during the middle of the month.  Then life got in the way and I wasn't sure if I was able to get this done.  But.......  Yahoo, last night and this morning by a few little threads of binding, It is done.  I am linking this to A Lovely Year of Finishes. 

My Button

This is a pattern that was offered as a free Block of the Month from Jacquelynne Steves called Sweet Simplicity.

I'm not sure if you can see the quilting or not - but since I consider myself still relatively a beginner in the Free Motion quilting I am excited at how this came out.   And it's done, that's the most exciting part.  Okay  Thanks for stopping by  - Leave a comment and let me know you were here - and have a great Blessed Day!

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Tuesday's Paper Piecing

I am re-visiting some of my paper pieced quilts so I can link up with Val over at Tuesday's Archives.  

My most recent paper pieced quilt was the the Tea Leaf Runner by Judy Niemeyer.  I started this last fall as part of a guild workshop, and finished it last month at a retreat.

Here's a close up so you can see the points a little better.  

Here's another one that I made, for a doll quilt swap.  I really liked how this turned out. 

Here is a close up of the points.  

And another - this one was also made for a swap, that Michele from the Quilting Gallery hosted back in September of 2012 called "Skater Sue"

Well as always thanks so much for stopping by and have a blessed day!

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Green Green - Anything Green

Today is Tuesday which means it's time to link up to Tuesday's Archives !  
Val's Quilting Studio
This weeks theme is "Anything Green"  and immediately 3 items came to mind.  So I went through some of my pictures and here they are:

My Most recent finish is the St. Patrick's Table runner.

My 2nd to last project I've finished recently the Green - lap size - quilt I made for a table topper, that I free motion quilted.

And then finally this there is this Doll Quilt I made for a swap last year.  The flowers are wool applique.   This is the one that I am using for the link up.  

Thanks for stopping by - Have a Blessed Day!

Friday, March 13, 2015

Bags, and Runners and Sewing oh my

I knew it had been a few days since I posted but didn't realized it had been that long  :)  Oh well - not sure where to start but - update coming.  

Last week on Tuesday I auditioned a new fabric for the border of my JS BOM... I didn't like what I had picked out. 

On Thursday I went to a workshop for the CRQ guild and we made blocks for  a quilt we are auctioning off at the 2016 quilt show.  

Mine are the 2nd row 2nd block and 4th row last on the right.  

Friday we played cards so no sewing there.   Not sure where the weekend went but spent some time with my DH.  We went to Vegas on Sunday after church and went to the Bass Pro Shop.  That was fun.  Kid in a candy store.  Whoa!!!

Monday was the once per month "Mystery Monday"  and for this month we made a Tote Bag.  I have to say it was a very fun easy project.   It was nice to be able to finish it there and it made for a nice picture and post on facebook for the shop. 

Yep that's me bottom left, pink top, yellow and red bag with turquoise straps. 

On Tuesday I finished up my St Patrick's Day table runner, at our weekly open sew day at the shop. 

I used a simple zig zag for the top stitching and let that work as my quilting as well.  

Wednesday was my DH Birthday so no sewing - we did a 6 mile walk (normally we only do 3 miles) then we relaxed for a few hours and then got ready and went to play bingo.  We hadn't done that in a long time and it was fun.  We had dinner, dropped a few coins in a slot machine and then came home.  Nice day. 

Yesterday I made a smaller version of the bag we made on Monday for my Mom in law.  Her birthday is Saturday and she loves bingo more than anything - so I made one for her to carry her daubers in. 

I also made her a set of pillowcases but she hasn't gotten those yet. 

Today I am heading to the Cottage for open sew.  I actually think I'll just take some hand work.  My machine's light bulb went out and I don't want to have to pack up my light and everything so I can see while I sew.   
And with that I need to get ready!  
Have a Blessed day everyone and thanks for stopping by.

Monday, March 2, 2015

March Link Up

I mentioned this in my March goals, but wanted to add a couple pictures and make it easier for linking up.  My link up for ALYOF
My Button


I am doing the 6 block version and I have 5 of the 6 blocks done and the center applique for the 6th block. 

Here is what I have so far: 

So I want to complete Block 6, then quilt and bind. 

Thanks for stopping by, 

Embroidery Machine - Practice +

 I signed up for the Kimberbell mystery block of the month to give me practice with my new embroidery machine.  Here are the January blocks ...