Tuesday, December 19, 2017

Post Surgery Update

I worked on an old UFO before I went in for my surgery. It is so old that I don't have all the fabric I would need to complete it the way it was intended with all the extra sashing and borders, But I believe I can sew it together add a border and make it a nice charity lap quilt. 
Hard to see in this picture but the colors are green, brown, tan and wine.
This is the last bit of sewing I've done for several days, and could be even a little longer.  I actually am reading a book, while I'm working on recovery. Usually I listen to my books so I can keep my eyes and hands free to sew.  :) 
Okay now on to the surgery update:
 Well if you were patient enough to read through my last post with my rants and struggles you'll know i was trying to get my surgery approved.  Well it got even worst - my primary doctor flat out refused to give me a referral to the heart doctor for surgery clearance.  NO I'm not kidding. They wanted to give me clearance... and the surgeon wanted didn't want the liability of a primary doctors approval. So unless I got the referral and clearance from the surgeons heart doctor my surgery would be cancelled.
We ended up paying for an office visit at the heart doctor out of our own pockets, just to get it done.  Other wise I would have had to start over with a new ENT doctor/surgeon, new testing and delayed surgery.  No couldn't do it.
So all got done the surgery wasn't cancelled thank God.  The surgeon said the surgery went very well, however there was a lot of infection by the time he got in there.  Whew, glad it's done, and I am now recovering.  
Here are a few pictures of how it's going so far. 
As  you can see - it was not a little tiny thing I was trying to get rid of. 
I had to keep the drain in for 7 hours then they took out and taped me up.  
It has derma bond over the incision and then the little hole at the bottom is where the drain was. So in some ways it looks worse than it is - however it is big. 

Then we went to the motel, I ate a little and crashed. 
We came home on Saturday afternoon, I've been good about sitting and relaxing - hubby has actually cooked for us (never cooked anything in his life) and I am recovering nicely. 
I don't have any high hopes of finishing anything else for the rest of the year.  Rest, relax and recoup
However, I am already thinking of what I'd like to focus on this next year and I'm sure I already have too many plans and Ideas. Family quilts, holiday quilts, UFO quilts, and quilting the quilts.  Oh well, it fills my days with joy. 
Until next time - Blessings to all, 

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Embroidery Machine - Practice +

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