Wednesday, October 30, 2019

October OMG Fall

Fall has left the building, in two ways.  Fall here in the desert came and went rather quickly, I think we are already entering the winter months.  For us highs in the 50's and 60's are cold.  The transition between temps of 120 and 60 doesn't take as long as one would think.  Anyway the 2nd Fall to leave is the Fall crazy table mat that was my One monthly goal. These table mats are for my friend Cheryl. I get the pleasure of stitching them and she gets to have them.  As I stated in my link up post, I was ready to put the back on and bind it when she thought it would be nice to have stuff in the middle since she won't be putting anything on them. She likes squirrels so I appliqued them and embroidered leaves - here it is finished and bound.  
 Here's the back.
Now I'm linking up to One Monthly Goal, over at Elm Street Quilts. 
Have a Blessed Day!  Lynn 

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

River Quilters Retreat

All of our retreats except one are held at the Tropicana Laughlin Hotel and Casino.  The retreats which are mostly held in the Coranado Room differ in lay out depending on who the host is. This one is put on by River Quilters which we refer to at the Helga Retreat.  Helga Brown, Judy Jorden and Susan Sacco are from Lake Havasu City and they are the ones that put this together and call the group River Quilters.  This retreat normally includes 30 people and the layout works to not crowd us. 
 Here are the welcome gifts. 
And our name tags.  
Here are the lay out pictures I took while people were setting up.  I am facing the front of the room from the middle of the room and taking pictures from the right going to the left. 

This picture I am standing at the door look straight back. 
This picture is from back of room looking to the right. 
 This picture is from back of room looking towards the door. 
  This picture is from back of room looking to the left.  My seat at this retreat is just beyond Ann next to window. (See the turquoise jacket on the chair) 
I did not work on the project(s) that I thought I would so I guess I'll have them for the next retreat.  I was just going to do a couple steps on my old mystery bom ufo, then bring home do trimming and get set up for the next steps.  Well I got excited and kept going.  :)  
I was going to just make these units and then bring home to cut. 
like this, because it was using a special ruler/template ....
but I went ahead and cut.... and then I was able to do the next several steps - 
At that point I was able to do everything except the 2 borders. 
I didn't bring it with me because I wasn't going to go that far.  LOL.  
After I got that done - continued on with the HST that I thought I was going to work on.  I wanted to get them sewn so I could trim during the week and then I'd be able to start putting that ufo  together.  
Sunday - the last day of this retreat was my Birthday!  Happy Birthday to me.  My daughter asked if I was having fun I told her yes I was in my happy place - sewing.
And what are the chances - there was another lady there, that got into the retreat because someone canceled and it was her Birthday too.  
It was a super fun weekend and retreat.  They had games, raffles and door prizes.  Oh and lots of sewing and laughter.
Time to gear up for the next one.  
Have a Blessed Day! Lynn 

Thursday, October 24, 2019

All the Little Pieces

Good Morning - 
I'm gearing up for another retreat, 2nd of my 3 in a row.  I started sewing my HST on the last day of the last retreat. They will be part of the little pieces that make up one of my older UFO's.  I've decided lately that I want to use these retreats to finish up UFO's (if I can). 

I only got about 1/3 of the 640 sewn, but figured it would be helpful to get what I could trimmed before heading to the next retreat.  It will probably take me most of the retreat to finish up just this part.   :)
I have a bag of untrimmed, I trim and then they go in another "Ready" bag - then I can press open and sew them together. 
Since my big machine is still in the shop - I have been using my smaller/travel machine and I didn't want to unpack and have to pack back up in just a couple days so I've been working on trimming and then also a little on my embroidery

Lots more to do on it but having fun with it.  And no it won't be done for this Halloween.  
Since I'm staying over night on this one, I did my marathon cooking for Hubby too.  Beans in the crock pot on the right, chili sauce, (cooked salsa) on the left pot.

Spaghetti sauce in the middle pot for the spaghetti w/ french bread and Caesar Salads. 

Sausage egg and cheese breakfast burrito's.  and not pictured hamburger patties.  
Kinda like prepping for a camping trip.  :)
That's for now, I'm going to finish packing and I'm sure I'll let you know how the retreat goes.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Judy Fall Retreat 2019 Day 2

Day 2 of Retreat 1 - I was able to finish the 2 other charity quilt tops of the 3 3 yard quilts that we cut out. 
is #2 of 3
And here is  #3 of 3

Our friend Gloria was unable to come to the retreat, she is helping her son in CA, whom is battling cancer right now.  Prayer to them all. Anyway she wanted pictures of what all we were doing so every time someone finished I sent her a photo 
Here are #4 and 5 of the quilt tops Cheryl got done. 

Here is quilt top Susan George did.  She one of our retreat friends from Lake Havasu City. 

This of two that Beverly is doing.  Same pattern and feature fabric one is using pink and the other a soft green.

Here is the 6th top that Cheryl got done - 

This was right after our Linner as our retreat/camp host calls it.  It was Judy's Birthday and her sister gave her presents.  I came back to my seat and took this picture.  
After I finished my 3 charity quilts, I started on the HST for the UFO quilt, that is also what I will work on today.
Today - Day 3 will be short.  Cheryl and I go in early and sew with our Havasu friend Mindy. They will serve breakfast around 8:30. After that and especially around 11 when check out time is for the hotel people start packing up and getting ready to go. Cheryl and I hang out, possibly pack up and then work on hand stitching until we see most people leaving, then we pack up too. 
Nice thing is we only have 4 days and it will start up again.  Same room, very similar meals and seating, but some new people - but all fun. 
Have a Blessed Day!

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Retreat 1 Day 1

Okay I don't know if I'll actually post each day of each of the 3 retreats but we'll start here.  Retreat 1 Day 1 I finished one quilt top.  The pattern is Town Square out of the 3 yard Quilt book.  
Here are the 3 that my friend Cheryl finished.

Here is a quilt top that our friend Susie H. finished.  This was a quilt pattern that was offered at the retreat we went to in August. 
We're all having lots of fun and laughing a lot.  These 3 yard quilts actually do go really fast - I'll let you know how much we each get done today.  After the other two that I have are done, I have the 640 HST I am doing... well see how that goes. 
Have a Blessed Day!

Thursday, October 17, 2019

A Finish

Wow I can hardly believe it... I got some stuff done and I actually have some pictures.  The quail is done. 
Then I cut squares to make HST for another UFO I'm trying to finish. 
And of course you need to draw lines - did I mention there are 320 of each color.  
Here is the pattern lay out - 
The feature blocks below go where the dark gray squares are above.  
Today we have another appointment, then I will come home pack up my sewing machine and tools, do a little food prep for hubby and tomorrow will start the first retreat.  
Have a Blessed Day!

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Days of our Lives

I'm probably dating myself here, but I feel like the last week has been a combo of "As the World Turns" and "Days of our Lives".  
Lots has been going on, not all of which is sewing related... I'll explain more about that in a minute. 
Along with getting ready 3 retreats - 3 weeks in a row - I let a shiny thing sneak in.  A small wall hanging, by McKenna Ryan.

 The Border isn't sewn on yet but I'll have that finished up shortly. What and who is this for?  you and hubby ask ... I dunno.  :)

The other distraction I've had is a book.  I normally listen to books while I work, but a friend of mine kept saying how this was her favorite book so I said I'd give it a try... Well it is very good and instead of doing my hand stitching at night, there's been a few nights that I've just sat and read.   

As for sewing, I did get the two borders on my "Christmas Card" Quilt (It still has overlay stars that will be sewn on the border)

Then I hand stitched the faces on the Angels and Carolers. The Bunny still needs its whiskers.  

Slowly, things are getting done. And since the first of the 3 retreats starts Friday (in just 2 days) I'm sure I will get some major sewing in.  
So what else is going on?  Hubby got a new doctor, so he's running all the new doctor tests as a baseline.  Then there have been a few extra tests due to some symptoms he's having. Then as discovery happens, things are implemented such as a CPAP machine for starters. So it seems like every 2 days we have another appointment, or test or lab visit.  One yesterday another tomorrow... And keeping all of them straight and what needs to be done as prep work seems like a full time job. :)
Then because we have gained weight over the summer, I'm trying to look up recipes so I can cook some healthier items for us.  I've been making lots of soups and then trying to make low carb recipes.  

I feel like I'm constantly on the go or busy - I just don't have a lot to show for it - Yet!   :)
Today I want to finish the quail wall hanging, and cut some squares to make HST for a UFO I'll be working on at one of the retreats. 
So I hopefully I will be letting you know I made great progress on that.
Have a Blessed Day!

Embroidery Machine - Practice +

 I signed up for the Kimberbell mystery block of the month to give me practice with my new embroidery machine.  Here are the January blocks ...