Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Slow and Steady

I always liked the story of the Tortoise and the Hare.  I used to have a statement I would tell myself at times "Slow and Steady, Aware and Ready".  I can get very caught up in the go go go mode, trying to accomplish stuff, when in reality, if I just keep going at a steady pace, I'll still get things done and be way more relaxed.  That's how the last few days have been.  I have felt like I've been in slow motion, but in reality I am still getting stuff done.  
Lots of binding - I finished putting binding on all of the retreat quilt signs. 
I did them by machine both sides, but one of these signs was 100 inches long.. Whew.  :)
I'm also working on finishing up the hand stitching of binding on the last few fabric bowls. 
Then I had already cut out 3 of the 3 yard quilts to do at the retreat, however they are made using strip sets and then needed additional cutting, so I did them and the cutting. 

I also got the backing and binding on the "Fall" Table mat that I'm doing for my friend Cheryl, which is my One Monthly Goal - so I'll post that later. 
So now that I'm looking at stuff... The slow tortoise prevailed and got stuff done.  :)
Have a blessed day!

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Embroidery Machine - Practice +

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