Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Days of our Lives

I'm probably dating myself here, but I feel like the last week has been a combo of "As the World Turns" and "Days of our Lives".  
Lots has been going on, not all of which is sewing related... I'll explain more about that in a minute. 
Along with getting ready 3 retreats - 3 weeks in a row - I let a shiny thing sneak in.  A small wall hanging, by McKenna Ryan.

 The Border isn't sewn on yet but I'll have that finished up shortly. What and who is this for?  you and hubby ask ... I dunno.  :)

The other distraction I've had is a book.  I normally listen to books while I work, but a friend of mine kept saying how this was her favorite book so I said I'd give it a try... Well it is very good and instead of doing my hand stitching at night, there's been a few nights that I've just sat and read.   

As for sewing, I did get the two borders on my "Christmas Card" Quilt (It still has overlay stars that will be sewn on the border)

Then I hand stitched the faces on the Angels and Carolers. The Bunny still needs its whiskers.  

Slowly, things are getting done. And since the first of the 3 retreats starts Friday (in just 2 days) I'm sure I will get some major sewing in.  
So what else is going on?  Hubby got a new doctor, so he's running all the new doctor tests as a baseline.  Then there have been a few extra tests due to some symptoms he's having. Then as discovery happens, things are implemented such as a CPAP machine for starters. So it seems like every 2 days we have another appointment, or test or lab visit.  One yesterday another tomorrow... And keeping all of them straight and what needs to be done as prep work seems like a full time job. :)
Then because we have gained weight over the summer, I'm trying to look up recipes so I can cook some healthier items for us.  I've been making lots of soups and then trying to make low carb recipes.  

I feel like I'm constantly on the go or busy - I just don't have a lot to show for it - Yet!   :)
Today I want to finish the quail wall hanging, and cut some squares to make HST for a UFO I'll be working on at one of the retreats. 
So I hopefully I will be letting you know I made great progress on that.
Have a Blessed Day!

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Embroidery Machine - Practice +

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