Sunday, March 15, 2020

A Month of Birthdays

I'm sure every family has a month or two that has the majority of their birthdays... Well March is a big one for us.  
Caleb - Grandson, Ciara - Granddaughter, Jerry - Hubby, Stella - Hubby's Mom, Bev - Friend, Randi - my Sister, My Mom (in Heaven) Patty - friend, Carter - Great Grandson, Tim - friend, Jason - friend and Linda - friend.  Whew.... 
Well I'm working on my Sister's Birthday so on the 9th we went out to lunch and got a pedicure.  

It looked more like a periwinkle but now it's almost blue. 
On my Honey's birthday we went and picked up one of his brothers in Vegas - he will be staying with us for 3 weeks.  Actually a lot of the family is coming into town for Mom in laws Birthday - she turned 90. 
So here are a few highlights from her party.  
Right after we all yelled surprise ....
Here is Mom and her 4 boys... from left to right Ron, Frank, My hubby Jerry and Anthony on far right. 
 Anthony with Ron's Daughter Brandi
 Son Ron and family, wife Casey, Ron, Mom's Sister Celia, Son Adam, Daughters Jessica and Brandi. 

 Mom with Sister Auntie Celia
 Ron and Casey's Grand nephew and Two Granddaughters.
There was a mariachi band and Mom cried more, and Brandi's boyfriend Andy supported her so she could do a dance.  He's such a sweet guy. 
It was a super nice night and Mom was so happy. 
Have a Blessed Day!

Tuesday, March 10, 2020

A Finish x 2

A finish - Yahoo!   With my new job and sporadic hours, and company for the month of March, I don't have high expectations of getting too many things done.  So the fact that I was able to finish the Spring Wool Crazy Table Mat for my friend is really a Whoot Whoot!  

Here is the back.  I have some really nice flannel that I've been using for the backs.  
Here are the rest of the seasons.

All four seasons are done now, I just need to do the extra one called simply Crazy.  :) Posts about that will follow soon.  
Okay a few other little things I have done.... 
I finished the baby quilt.  
I just did a loopy pattern over most of it - above is a close up. 
Happy to get some stuff done.  Hope you're having fun too. 
Blessings, Lynn 

Sunday, March 8, 2020

Spring in Spring

I am what we call Judy's retreat, she calls it camp.  Any way I'm happy to be able to join in with my friends and sew again.  This time I brought only hand stitching.  I have so much of it and so many UFO's that need hand work, that I could do 2-3 years of retreats and only do hand work and I might be caught up.  Excuse me while I have a laughing fit. :).  Uh hmm.. Okay back to my post.  I'm working on the wool "Spring" table mat that I'm doing for my friend Cheryl. It is also my OMG for the month so I wanted to stay focused on it even though I brought 4 other UFO's to work on.  Here's how it looked before I started which is the same as it did in the last post. 
And here's what I'm getting done. I needed to finish 6 of the yellow flower tops on this one.
Then I did this - 

Next was this one - I really like it a lot.
That's what I was able to get done by Friday night before we all left for dinner. 

Yesterday didn't go as quick, but I had a lot of interruptions.  Phone calls, lots of texts, chatting a tutorial of a dragon fly... I'll show that later.  

 After completing the last three seams of crazy stitches I did some bees in the center. 
And here is the completed top.  Later in the month I'll be linking this up to OMG over at Elm Street Quilts.  I stayed focused on it because it was my 

One Monthly Goal.  This morning as we finish out the rest of the retreat I'll be working on my February Stitch a long hosted by Crabapple Hill Designs.  I let you know later How I do on that.
Have a great day, Blessings - Lynn 

Thursday, March 5, 2020

March OMG

Hello March... I am continuing on with my Spring Wool Mat and since I will be taking only hand work to a retreat I'm making it my One Monthly Goal.  My goal is to complete all the rest of the crazy stitches.  

I have 7 1/2 seams left to complete.  Then I will be able to back and put the binding on.  Yay! 
Now to link up to One Monthly Goal over at Elm Street Quilts
March OMG link-up is open!
Blessings - Lynn 

Embroidery Machine - Practice +

 I signed up for the Kimberbell mystery block of the month to give me practice with my new embroidery machine.  Here are the January blocks ...