Caleb - Grandson, Ciara - Granddaughter, Jerry - Hubby, Stella - Hubby's Mom, Bev - Friend, Randi - my Sister, My Mom (in Heaven) Patty - friend, Carter - Great Grandson, Tim - friend, Jason - friend and Linda - friend. Whew....
Well I'm working on my Sister's Birthday so on the 9th we went out to lunch and got a pedicure.
It looked more like a periwinkle but now it's almost blue.
On my Honey's birthday we went and picked up one of his brothers in Vegas - he will be staying with us for 3 weeks. Actually a lot of the family is coming into town for Mom in laws Birthday - she turned 90.
So here are a few highlights from her party.
Right after we all yelled surprise ....
Here is Mom and her 4 boys... from left to right Ron, Frank, My hubby Jerry and Anthony on far right.
Anthony with Ron's Daughter Brandi

Mom with Sister Auntie Celia
Ron and Casey's Grand nephew and Two Granddaughters.
Son Ron and family, wife Casey, Ron, Mom's Sister Celia, Son Adam, Daughters Jessica and Brandi.

Mom with Sister Auntie Celia
Ron and Casey's Grand nephew and Two Granddaughters.
There was a mariachi band and Mom cried more, and Brandi's boyfriend Andy supported her so she could do a dance. He's such a sweet guy.
It was a super nice night and Mom was so happy.
Have a Blessed Day!