Thursday, August 13, 2020

August Caleb's Visit

 August was so fun - full of family and memory making.  Not really any sewing, but that's okay.  

First our 10 year old grandson Caleb came and stayed with us for 2 weeks.  I ended up working most of the time he was here with just my regular days off - but he got to bond with Grandpa. They went fishing a couple times, and he caught his first ever fish.  

Grandpa took him to the movies twice and they had popcorn and pop. The Cimema was running old movies so he got to see Goonies and Back to the future. He liked them both a lot. 

He wanted to sew really bad, because last year he went to my sewing group with me.  So I set up the sewing machine for him and had him sew squares together. 

That was real fun until I had to show him how to rip out the ones that where wrong... funny he lost interest after that.  LOL... 

Some of his time - he worked in the yard with Grandpa and earned some money. 

He needed to cool off after a long hard day of work.  

He also babysat Great Grandma. :) My mother in law,  Hubby's Mom, was here for about a week while Caleb he was here. 

Here's what he liked best.... playing his games. Of course, Ginger had to see what he was doing.

Anyway we had a fun time - Was nice to give our Son and Daughter in law some time to themselves and :) give him a break and time to get spoiled a little.   

Then we dropped him off at the airport - and watched the plane take off. 

It was a very nice visit and looking forward to next year. 
Have a Blessed Day!

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Embroidery Machine - Practice +

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