Saturday, August 22, 2020

August - Taya and the kids

 August part 2 - The day we dropped Caleb off at the airport, (in Las Vegas) we picked up our youngest daughter Taya and her two, Jorden and Zach.  

Our first stop was the Shake Shack for burgers and fries - then we had to stop at the Hershey store. 
On the way home from Vegas (about an hour and a half drive) here are the phases: 
And after picking up Ginger from Doggie Day Care, Ready to go again.  :)
Surprisingly (with covid restrictions) we were able to go out to dinner and dine in. Here's my beautiful granddaughter Jorden. 
Hubby with Taya and Zach.
Jerry and Taya
Funny - they wanted to go to Oatman again.  

We went out to another dinner and then to the movies. Girls went to Goonies and Guys went to Outpost. 
Before the movie started.
Oh ya pool before the movie started. 

But what we did the most and what the kids love to do the most, is go to the lake - take a picnic (or brats to bbq) and swim. 

Heading back to Vegas to drop them off to go home.
Time goes so fast....
We jumped out of the car on a side street to take a quick picture.  
Bye Babies - until next time.  Love you so much. 
Have a Blessed Day - Lynn 


  1. Best trip ever!! Thank you for this wonderful blog to capture the highlights.

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Embroidery Machine - Practice +

 I signed up for the Kimberbell mystery block of the month to give me practice with my new embroidery machine.  Here are the January blocks ...