Saturday, December 19, 2020

The Surprise

 Well I did it - I surprised the pants off my daughter, granddaughter and grandson. I have had this in the works since September, and it finally happened. 
It started like this: My youngest daughter's two best friends (Michelle and Heather) were talking about doing a Mother/Daughter thing for Christmas. So they decided on a cookie exchange party.  Heather gets ahold of me and asks if I can come.  (It's about 1100 miles away. ) Well I said I wasn't sure about taking time off from work, and I'd think about it.  The next morning, I get a message from my daughter Taya out of the blue - "Hi Mom sure do love and miss you".  Well of course I've got to try and go after a message like that.  So I ask for the time off of work.  Approved... just like that!  So I book a flight, Got it for the days I wanted, and very inexpensive too.  So I talk to Heather and Michelle and let them know.  After 2 weeks I got a message saying my flight had been changed, it added a whole day to my travel.  So I asked for the additional day off - no problem, got it right away. It was meant to be and a blessed trip from God the whole way.
The rest was just hurry and wait - then the day came.  I drive to vegas and park the car... this is me on the shuttle to the air port.  . 
This is me after I've gone through security....
and this is me on the plane.  I left on Saturday 12/12 and flew to Portland OR. 
It was a marvelous time with my daughter and grandchildren - as well as the extended family that they live with.  AKA the other best friend, Michelle, husband, and two sons.  They are like the Auntie, Uncle and cousin/brothers.  Wonderful to see the love and respect the 7 of them have for each other and how flawlessly they all cohabitate together. 
Okay back to the reveal - I wish I could upload the video but here are some screen shots.  I'm hiding behind the wall, they walk in and my grandson sees me whoa... I'm saying shhhh then I walk a round the corner, to see Taya and Jorden.  I'm in the blue top. 

Well it was wonderful.  Taya (my daughter) says "Shut up"... My granddaughter Jorden says "Wait What" - she was like - oh it's grandma, then it hits her I'm not supposed to be "There".   
Zach my grandson, bless him, after telling him shh he's trying to act cool.. He's such a sweetie.  Got to give him a hug too. 
Lots of yummy cookies going on here.  It was wonderful.  After that we went back to their house and just visited and chilled.  I fell a sleep on the couch.  It had been a very long day. (Taya looks pretty sleepy herself)
That is my daughter's boyfriend Chris.  I finally got to meet.  He's a Keeper for sure. 
The next day I got a special treat.  I got to watch our old home church that we went to on live stream - then I got to attend worship practice at the church and see some of our old friends.  So Special.
After that Chris came over and we headed to our sons house.  I picked up some pizza's and we visited with Scott and grandson Caleb until daughter in law came home.  Then visited with her too.  This is Caleb our grandson, he's the one that has come the last two summers and stayed with us. 
Bri is in the stripes,  Scott is on left. 

Zach, Taya and Chris. 
Caleb with dog Lita. 
I really like this one of me, Taya and Chris. 
Caleb, Scott and Zach.  (left to right) 

Was so nice to see all of them before Christmas too. 
Monday after several months of working at home, my daughter had to go into the office to train a new hire.  So I got the wonderful pleasure of spending time with our grandchildren. 
The kids were doing school - from home.  After that Jorden and I did some driving around.  We did some shopping for supplies for a couple of gifts she wanted to make.  Then we visited a friend of mine. After that we did some more shopping. So fun hanging out with her.  
On Tuesday the kids were doing school again, and I did stitching while Jorden was doing her work, and this beauty joined me. 

After that we did some more shopping - and we did some sight seeing of all the things that have changed since Hubby and I moved away. 
After we got done - Taya and Jorden I had spa time..... Jorden got nails and Taya and I got a pedicure. 
Here's Taya's toes - 
And here are my toes - 

After that we had a family dinner - Michelle and the boys, (Nate had to work) Taya and Chris, Jorden and her boyfriend, Zach and I.  Chris and I sprung for Red Robin for everyone and afterwards we played a game.  Very Fun. 
Then everyone went their own way Michelle went upstairs, the kids went to play video games, but Chris, Taya and I watched a movie.  It was a chick flick Christmas movie - Did I mention Chris is a saint? 
The next morning Taya worked just a little, then Jorden, Zach and I picked her up for lunch, she had a long lunch so she could see me off at the airport. 
Jorden really wanted to take me to this croissant place - so we went there and got our stuff then found a covered table across the street where we could eat them. 

Next we headed towards the airport - stopped and did a little shopping. I got Zach a coat he wanted. 
We got a coffee and then headed to the airport.  Unfortunately there was an hour and a half delay so I ended up listening to my book on tape and people watching. :)
I had a wonderful time.  Here are a few of the pictures flying home. 

And here I am the next day - heading back to work. 
I am hoping to get some stitching done on the One Monthly Goal I picked at the beginning of the month. I ended up working on my embroidery while I was gone instead of it. At at this point it's not looking like I will be getting that done, but one can hope.  
Hope you all are having a great month - 
Blessings, Lynn 

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