Friday, June 26, 2009

Shop Hop - Road Trip

Well I am doing my 1st ever official shop hop. Yahoo! It is a thing called "Sew Oregon" and there are about 35 stores participating. It only last for 2 weeks so I have to be quick. I am taking all day today to head down I-5 and hit all the stores that I can. Each store gives you a block and a pattern and stamps your passport. Then for each 10 stores you get a stamp from you get entered into a drawing. I'm going to all the far away ones today and figure I can visit the local ones during the week. Then next weekend we are going to my Dad's on the southern Oregon coast so I think I'll be able to hit a couple on the way home from there. (Awe shucks to I have to) :) The grand prize is a very nice Bernina Sewing machine, then they have a quilting retreat and some other stuff. (I really just am excited about shopping) :) I better go get showered and on the road, I have my route all planned out, get to furthest one by the time it opens then work my way back home. I'll post later to let you know what goodies I find and how many shops I get to.


  1. Sounds like a great day you have planned out. Go and have fun !!

  2. Shop hops are so much fun. Hope you get lots of goodies. I go and then I always want to go back but some of them are too far away just to go to anytime. Have fun!


Embroidery Machine - Practice +

 I signed up for the Kimberbell mystery block of the month to give me practice with my new embroidery machine.  Here are the January blocks ...