Sunday, August 29, 2010

Finally the Top is Done

I have posted part of this quilt before but now the top is done - Yahoo. Had I known I could finish it that quick I wouldn't have hid it in the closet for all those months. :0)
This is a free prior year (2006 I think) block of the month from Block Central that I started a year or so ago and well you know how that goes. I originally started this for my husband and I. It is called "Nine Patch Nirvana" It caught my eye because when we were dating my husband used to like to listen to the band Nirvana, then the more I looked at the pattern the more I liked it. It was done in oranges and greens which seems to catch my eye too. The pattern was only 3 by 4 but I added a row to make it bigger. Then in the process of making it our oldest daughter fell in love with it. So when I told her that is was for Dad and I, my husband says what's the big deal you can make us another one. So..... This is now for our oldest daughter, as soon as I can get it quilted. I will be hand quilting it, and I don't know what design to use yet, but I guess I will figure it out.

Have a blessed day everyone.

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Done with Deadlines... Back to BOM's

Well I am done with my deadlines for a while. Here is the Baby Quilt I mentioned in my last post. It took me about 2 1/2 hours to hand sew the binding to the back and sew the label on. But it is ready to go for tomorrow. I just need to get a gift bag and card and I'm set. :)

So now it's off to do dishes, take a shower and if I have time before hubby comes home to run errands I will work on a couple of my Block of the Months I've been neglecting.

Have a blessed day!

PS did I mention that I made 3 fingers bleed during the course of doing this. I think I need to hold off in hand sewing for a day or two.. they are ouchy. :(

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Happy Father's Day Dad

Another one done.
My Dad's Birthday is the 3rd of July, so my husband and I try to spend his Birthday with him each year and celebrate the 4th with him. Well this year it didn't work out with time off, but we are happy that we will be able to go and spend Father's Day with him.
So since I made a nice lap quilt for my Dad's Wife, my Dear Step-Mom, I had to make him one too. :) He has a Schnauzer that is very dear to him and so this is what I came up with.

And in my traditional way I have made a matching label for the back. So Happy Fathers Day Dad.

I'm finishing up the binding on a baby quilt that will go to an expecting Mommy that is a very good friend of my youngest daughter and like a daughter to me also. I won't be here for her shower next weekend so I needed to finish it to give her on Friday. I'll have pictures of it soon too.

Happy Sewing everyone!

Sunday, May 30, 2010

Project Updates

Of course too much time has passed. But I have been busy... Here are a few of the goodies I have been working on. This is a quilt I did for my Dad's Wife. She is a real sweetie and takes such good care of my Dad. Love ya Shirl. She likes bright and cheery so when a friend of mine gave me a panel that had all of these tulips on it my sister said it reminded her of Shirley. So that's all it took and I set off to create her lap quilt. One of the owners of the local quilt shop helped me find a pattern that framed panel blocks, she also helped me when I ran out of my original purchase of setting fabric that came from a store 300 miles away. Oops! So here it is, including the back with a tulip shaped label.

Next are pictures of the quilt and label I did for my Great-Grandson. He was born 3/27. Welcome Carter James. The quilt wasn't done until April, but I don't think he noticed. :).
He is so sweet and has already taken over all of our hearts. I originally picked this pattern up at last years shop hop, not knowing exactly who it would be for but it worked out great, my Granddaughter loved it and I let her pick out the fabric for it. So here's the quilt and of course I had to have a matching label on the back.

I also just finished, except for the hand stitching of the binding, another lap quilt (pictures soon) and started on another baby quilt. Not sure when I will get back to those BOM's. But that's okay. I love the sewing and it doesn't really matter which quilt or block it's on.
Hope everyone is enjoying their sewing too!

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Tea Party Bears


As usual too much time has passed between posts, and of course I want to promise it won't be so long again next time.... but I'm not ready to make that bet.

I wrote Shirley a note about not knowing where my time is going - and I still haven't figured it out.
I actually finished this quilt around the middle of March, for my Sister. It is the 1st Block of the Month that I ever did. (and have completely finished) It was mail ordered from Australia. Sadly the shop has closed, they had some really cute stuff.
This was my first attempt at machine quilting (other than practice or stitch in the ditch and cross hatching). I did some stippling or meandering (I get them confused). I'm sure I still need lots of practice. I played froggy on one of the blocks 3 times before it was okay. Have you ever ripped out stippling? It's not something I would choose to do in life. :) But my Sis is not a quilt judge and was very touched and pleased that I spent so much time on it and wanted her to have it, so that's all that counts.
This is the Back of the quilt and a closeup of the label. I thought why does a label have to be square? So I made it to match the theme on the front. :)
Well I guess I better go finish my great grandson's quilt so I will have more pictures to post.
Hope everyone is doing well and I will try to catch up with each of you soon.

Monday, March 8, 2010

Winter Time Mini Quilt Swap

Winter Time Mini Quilt Swap

Well that tine went quick and with spring around the corner I guess it is time that the "Winter Mini Quilts" get done.

Today is the deadline for shipping them off and so my little mini gets a new home. But these are secret swaps so I can't say where it is going yet.

I am still working on my Granddaughters Baby Quilt and I am finishing up a Lap Quilt for my Sister. Sew (ha ha) I will get them done and then post pictures of them as well.

After I get those two done, I have two more baby quilts to get done. One is due at the 1st of next month, I have the pattern and material picked out for it. The other is having a girl, which I just found out, and now I can start planning hers. She is due somewhere at the end of June. I also have a couple of Lap quilts I would like to get done by the end of June for my Dad and Step-Mom, but that may not happen.

And if that's not enough, I have also been working on way too many BOM's and trying to catch them up. But as long as I have a needle and thread I'm okay with whatever I am sewing.

Well Blessings to you all hope your having fun sewing too.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

More Projects to show...

Here is a baby quilt that I did for a couple from our church that is having their 1st child a little girl. Welcome Baby girl Fuller. I have one for my granddaughter who is due in April but her shower is the 20th of this month. And then another baby that is due in April. So more projects to do. Yahoo! :)

This is panel that I got and did for Christmas.. I love it and don't want to take it down, but I will soon.

I am not sure why all of this is underlined and don't know how to get it to stop. Oh well Here was another project I finished, last month.

Fall Mini Quilt Swap from the Quilting Gallery!

So I guess this explains why I haven't been blogging.
Hope you all are doing well. Hopefully I can come visit all of you and catch up with your world soon.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Some Projects getting done

Hope you are all doing well, I haven't had a lot of blog time lately but hope to get more in.

It is so nice to know that I am getting some stuff done. I have way more to go but I will post a few here and there to let you see my progress.

This is a table runner I whipped up for a friend that came to visit last month. (Jan) where does the time go. She loves did I say Loves her cats.

I'll post more later this week.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

More to do ... Ha Ha

As you can see I put up the banner for the Winter Swap. So along with my 3 Baby Quilts that are due this weekend, Feb 20th and April 4th, I'm doing a swap too. Oh well I must love it cause I keep doing it.

I will be back in a couple of days with pictures of what I have finished since the New Years.

Have a great day everyone.

Embroidery Machine - Practice +

 I signed up for the Kimberbell mystery block of the month to give me practice with my new embroidery machine.  Here are the January blocks ...