Thursday, March 28, 2013

March UFO - Finished

Well this has been a busy month.  We have / had our house on the market to sell and have had showings, showings, showings... Sold  yahoo.  Just a few little fix ups and we are on to the next step of our lives. 

Then I took the train down to see my Sister in Southern Oregon. This is my annual train trip that I have been doing for about 4-5 years. She comes here in October I go there in March.  The train is always fun and interesting and I don't have to drive in any fowl weather. We laughed, joked, ate, walked, saw a play, laughed some more .... it was a great great time. (Love ya Sis)

Now I'm back home and soon the packing will start.  Whew.  BUT  - There has been sewing going on.  You have to fit that in somewhere!

I was in a Mug Rug Swap - First of all what is a Mug Rug you ask.  A Mug Rug is a small place mat for your mug and possibly a snack.  Anyway, I made the two required mug rugs and sent them to my swap partner in the UK and then my return mug rugs came from a sweet lady in New Zealand. I did post about this previously and gave more detail on the swap and where the pattern came from on Feb 26 if you want to scroll down and check it out. Here are the ones I made and sent.

Of course I had to send some other goodies too. 

Now here is a picture of the ones I received.

And yes there were goodies too.  Chocolate! No I haven't eaten it all.  But it is good.  :)  Thanks L.
Aren't they cute.

Now for the Next project of the month - I joined a Group called Doll Quilters Monthly, that swaps Doll Quilts every month.  This is the doll quilt I sent to my partner in Tenn. Now unlike the partners in the mug rugs, the doll quilts are a one to one. Who you send to is who sends back. So any day now I will be getting one from Tenn., Back.

The monthly theme was animals and my swap partner likes cats. She also said she liked 1930's reproduction fabric and purple so this is what I came up with.  It's hard to tell from the picture but what looks like navy blue is actually purple.  

I also hosted my first blog hop giveaway check out the post on that. And I worked on an Easter wall hanging that is in wools - but I'm not done with it and will save that for another post.

Now for the March UFO..... I started this last year for my youngest daughter's boyfriend - who is now her fiance ... He is an OR Duck fan so I made this fleece blanket for him. Blanket stitching around the edge of this with dmc floss (I've heard pearl cotton would have been easier)  ... lets just say it wasn't as easy of a project as I had hoped.  Therefore it got put on the back burner for several months, and qualified it as on of my UFO's.   So with out further delay my March UFO, just in time for his April Birthday....

Thanks so much for stopping by and reading - Have a Super Blessed Day!

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Another Contest - Pick Me - Pick Me!

The Quilting Gallery hosts weekly contest through out the year. Well this week's contest is Baby Quilts. One of my favorites. 

Quilters’ Show and Tell

So I have entered the quilt that I made for my Great Grandson. He will be 3 at the end of the month.  Wow time really does fly by.  Anyway - on Friday Morning the quilts will be displayed on The Quilting Gallery site and then voting will go through Monday morning.

So if you would like, pop on over and vote for (me of course) the quilt you like best.

Have a great day - Blessings, Lynn

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Dreaming of Spring

Hey all - The Quilting Gallery is hosting another swap. This one is called "Dreaming of Spring" Mini Quilt Swap.

So hop on over and get signed up. I have been doing these swaps for 3+ years and I love them. They are a great way to bring out your creativity and meet new quilters.

Dreaming of Spring Mini Quilt Swap

I usually like to wait until I get my partner information so that I can accomodate their likes or dislikes into whatever I am making - then I let the creativity go to work. And since it is a secret swap - you don't know who got you, I can post pictures of my progress and nobody really knows fro sure who it's going to.

Anyway hope you can give it a try - it really is alot of fun.


Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Christa's Quilt Along

Hey All - I wanted to tell you about another fun thing I'm doing.  Chrita's Quilt Along, from Christa's Quilt Shop.

Christa's Quilt Along

Christa is doing weekly Turtorials on how to make a quilt from start to finish one step at a time. I am working on one right now, (a bit behind of course) and she has a flicker group and prizes. It really is a lot of fun. So give it a try and see, you might even learn a tip or two...

Thanks for stopping by - Blessings, Lynn

Here are the stacks of the blocks I'm working on I do have a row together but no picture yet. This one is called "Sea of Squares" which is the one previous - she is on to another one now.  I better catch up (smile)


Friday, March 15, 2013

Blog Hop Party with Give-Aways

And The Winners Are:
#1 Winner of the Fabric ...... Margaret who posted on 3/10 9:14
Margaret I will email you for your address.
#2 Winner of the Mug Rugs ........ Sandra who posted on 3/12 10:38
Sandra I will email you for your address.
Now for Winner (s) #3 for having more than 100 comments........
Sorry I couldn't pick just one extra :)
First #3  Just Quilt it 3/10 7:00 - you liked the fabric I will send you 3 FQ or Qtr yrd cuts of fabric. I will email you for Colors and your address.
Second #3  Barbara Woods - you also liked the fabric I will send you 3 FQ or Qtr yrd cuts of fabric. I will email you for Colors and your address.
Third #3 pick is Elizabeth Leger 3/11 8:47 - you liked the mug rugs I will make a set for you. I don't have your email so please contact me at jnl4god (@) live (dot) com
I can't say thank you enough for all that visited. I'm sorry I haven't responded to all of you, I wish I had time to. But I may come visit your sites over the next few weeks.  
I have really enjoyed this!
Blessings to all - come back and see me and my stuff anytime.


Friday, March 8, 2013

Beat the Winter Blues Blog Hop

Party Time has finally arrived

  Blog Hop Party with Give-Aways  Yahoo!!!!!

Thanks for stopping by - The giveaway is done!

Update :  Yahoo!!  I will pick a third winner for a needle case or set of mug rugs.  I will leave this open until 4:00 am Friday 3/15/13 PST (Pacific Standard Time) USA.   Then I'll pick the three winners.  Thank you so much for visiting my blog, I hope you come back and visit again.
And Thanks to Michelle at the Quilting Gallery for all the time and effort to put this together.

I'll Post the winners tomorrow and try to contact. 

Okay I am a little excited here - But it is my first Blog Hop that I am actually part of.

So to tell you a little about me, I am a wife to my very best friend. We have 3 grown children 5 grandchildren and 1 great grandson. I still work full time  + some, but try to take on quilty projects like I have no other responsibilities in the world.  So yes to the next question - I do have lots of UFO's, which of course I vow to finish soon.  Ha ha  So along with finishing the UFO's this year the other thing I have been interested in working on is being able to Free Motion Quilt at least well enough to do some of my smaller projects. 
I really enjoy all of the swaps and have participated in most of them that have been put on by the Quilting Gallery. Also I have found a group who does a monthly swap of doll quilts, Called Doll Quilts Monthly.  This will be my first month of swapping with them but so far is has been wonderful, to see what others are creating.  Along with swapping I tend to get excited about BOM's, and of course have several in various stages of completion. I also belong to a group called "Keep me in Stitches" and we do a "BABRR" it is like a round robin but you only do a block. 
So take a minute if you have it and look through some of my pictures, I'm sure I don't have them all posted but there are some. As you will notice I like to applique. I tend to favor needle turn but I do like to do other methods, as you will see in my give away(s).  Was that plural?

And now without further delay......  A Giveaway!   I know it's the best part.... I think so too.

I'm offering a couple items for the giveaway and all I want you to do is to leave a comment and let me know what your favorite color is & which item you want. More on that below so keep reading. I will pick in order of number picked so I can't guarantee you will get the one you want, unless you are the 3rd winner. I will be picking 2 winners to start and if I get more than 100 comments I will pick a third winner.

Give away #1 is four 1/4 yard cuts (not fat qtrs) of Civil War Reproduction fabric:

Give away #2 is this set of Mug Rugs:

   Close up!

Now for the third give away (if I get over 100 comments) will be a needle case or set of mug rugs, so just let me know what your favorite color(s) are and which of those two items you want and I will surprise you. So add that in because if the list gets big that doesn't mean the #4 won't get that last pick.

Okay all set leave your comment here then don't forget to go back to the Quilting Gallery and hop to some of the other blogs in the:  Beat the Winter Blues Blog Hop

Make sure to leave an email address so I can get ahold of you and Yes I will ship Internationally!

Thanks to the Quilting Gallery for hosting this Blog Hop and Thank you for stopping by.

Sunday, March 3, 2013

Party Time

Blog Hop Party Coming Soon 

Beat the Winter Blues - Quilters' Blog Hop Party.

Check back on March 8th  for more details AND The best part is a giveaway!

Blog Hop Party with Give-Aways

Have a great day. 

Baby Nevaeh and Mom R

Well after 3 Boys who wouldn't be extremely excited to have a girl?  Our neice and her Husband were! The name Nevaeh is Heaven spelled backwards and how fitting.  So of course there had to be a baby quilt and of course it had to be "Beary Special"

Here is the Quilt that I made for Nevaeh and a close up of the bear.  We delivered while we were on vacation last September.

And every year we go to see my awesome Mother in Law and my husbands family. They are in parts of Arizona, California, New Mexicoand Utah and we all meet up at Mom's place. And after all these years of making quilts for others people I felt it was time to give Mom one.  This the quilt I gave Mom.

She of course loved it.

Thanks, for stopping by.

Embroidery Machine - Practice +

 I signed up for the Kimberbell mystery block of the month to give me practice with my new embroidery machine.  Here are the January blocks ...