I will post more about them later - but first - Hello - It's been a while since I posted and I'm not sure why. But I need to bring myself up to speed if not all of you.
Okay well the last time I posted Hubby and I had done a little drive to Primm on a different route that took us through an old mining town that looked like a ghost town, and I had completed a couple of my Bee-blocks. You can read about that in my post Here.
Okay now what has happened since. Well we had our first guild meeting for both of the guilds I belong to and they went well with all new projects, ideas and enthusiasm for the upcoming year. It was nice to see friends I hadn't seen over the summer. Here are some of the upcoming workshop projects that will work their way into a challenge quilt for our next quilt show.
We've already had our first workshop for the CRQ guild which is this 3 dimensional flower block.
As you can see mine still needs some work, I got invoved helping one of the other ladies with a quilt that will be raffled to help the choir students go to Disneyland so I will have to finish this at home.
Then at the other guild, SNR - lots going on there too especially since I am the VP and Project Co-ordinator. First off - We are working on a large charity project that involves making 20 - 63 x 87 quilts for a new military rehab/housing facility that is being built and will open in April 2017. So I had a couple of days at the cottage working on a top for that. It is going to be very scrappy and I still need to add more on each side and so I need to rethink where to go from here. I'll post pictures of it later.
Also the SNR guild year is the same as the calander year and so we (Vickie the President and I the VP) are also working on getting all of the next years BOM project samples made. This next year we are making 2 month blocks that are sort of seasonal so they can either be finished as individual wall hangings or they can be be put into a seasonal quilt. Vickie has gotten most of these lined out and will be doing them hand applique with wool. Then I will be doing them with fusible machine applique to show the differences and options they have in making them. Some people don't like the hand work or wool work that Vickie and I like so we want to give them options and get them to look outside the block. Ha ha :)
Here are the one's that Vickie has in the works - (did I tell you how happy I was that she took the ball and ran with it helping me get my projects going) :)

Here's my first one in the fusible - I still need to do the topstitching.
I have the fabrics picked out to do the rest of them so it will just be a matter of getting on it.
Along with these we will also be doing a pieced block with tumblers. I do not have a picture of Vickies or mine which is started but it is this pattern here.
Then along with that I/we need to be getting our monthly workshop projects done. For this month we are doing the Diva wallet.
I am all set and ready to go on that for Tomorrow night. I have a couple made and then have props of each step as a visual for them.
Next month we will be doing this little wall hanging. I don't have a picture of Vickies finished one but here is Mine -
In November and December due to the holidays we do not have workshops. But this will be the little project for January's Workshop.
We still need to come up with stuff for next spring - but I think we are getting a good start. I just need to get my BOM blocks done.
I did finish another of the Bee-utiful Blocks.

We also went to a concert and the local County Fair, and I am still teaching/assisting one day a week at the local shop with the Peaceful Holiday BOM. It's been a fun but busy couple of weeks. My Hubby's golf course has been closed for re-seeding so we've been taking our little rides and doing these projects and that's probably another part of the reason I have neglected to post.
Well time for our walk and some houehold duties and hopefully this afternoon I can get going on more sewing.
Blessings, Lynn