Monday, September 26, 2016

Mr. and Mrs Gingerbread

Say Hi to Mr. and Mrs. Gingerbread -

I will post more about them later - but first - Hello - It's been a while since I posted and I'm not sure why.  But I need to bring myself up to speed if not all of you.
Okay well the last time I posted Hubby and I had done a little drive to Primm on a different route that took us through an old mining town that looked like a ghost town, and I had completed a couple of my Bee-blocks.   You can read about that in my post Here.

Okay now what has happened since.  Well we had our first guild meeting for both of the guilds I belong to and they went well with all new projects, ideas and enthusiasm for the upcoming year.  It was nice to see friends I hadn't seen over the summer.  Here are some of the upcoming workshop projects that will work their way into a challenge quilt for our next quilt show.

We've already had our first workshop for the CRQ guild which is this 3 dimensional flower block.

As you can see mine still needs some work, I got invoved helping one of the other ladies with a quilt that will be raffled to help the choir students go to Disneyland so I will have to finish this at home.

Then at the other guild, SNR  - lots going on there too especially since I am the VP and Project Co-ordinator.  First off  - We are working on a large charity project that involves making 20 - 63 x 87 quilts for a new military rehab/housing facility that is being built and will open in April 2017.  So I had a couple of days at the cottage working on a top for that.  It is going to be very scrappy and I still need to add more on each side and so I need to rethink where to go from here.    I'll post pictures of it later.

Also the SNR guild year is the same as the calander year and so we (Vickie the President and I the VP) are also working on getting all of the next years BOM project samples made.  This next year we are making 2 month blocks that are sort of seasonal so they can either be finished as individual wall hangings or they can be be put into a seasonal quilt.  Vickie has gotten most of these lined out and will be doing them hand applique with wool. Then I will be doing them with fusible machine applique to show the differences and options they have in making them.  Some people don't like the hand work or wool work that Vickie and I like so we want to give them options and get them to look outside the block.  Ha ha :)
Here are the one's that Vickie has in the works -  (did I tell you how happy I was that she took the ball and ran with it helping me get my projects going)  :)

 Here's my first one in the fusible - I still need to do the topstitching.

I have the fabrics picked out to do the rest of them so it will just be a matter of getting on it.

Along with these we will also be doing a pieced block with tumblers.  I do not have a picture of Vickies or mine which is started but it is this pattern here.

Then along with that I/we need to be getting our monthly workshop projects done.   For this month we are doing the Diva wallet.

  I am all set and ready to go on that for Tomorrow night.  I have a couple made and then have props of each step as a visual for them.

Next month we will be doing this little wall hanging.  I don't have a picture of Vickies finished one but here is Mine -

In November and December due to the holidays we do not have workshops.  But this will be the little project for January's Workshop.

We still need to come up with stuff for next spring - but I think we are getting a good start.   I just need to get my BOM blocks done.  

I did finish another of the Bee-utiful  Blocks.  

And in the Non-Sewing world - I helped my hubby paint our garage.  It's not 100% but we got 3 sides done in one day - and that was a work out.  :)

We also went to a concert and the local County Fair, and I am still teaching/assisting one day a week at the local shop with the Peaceful Holiday BOM.   It's been a fun but busy couple of weeks. My Hubby's golf course has been closed for re-seeding so we've been taking our little rides and doing these projects and that's probably another part of the reason I have neglected to post.  

Well time for our walk and some houehold duties and hopefully this afternoon I can get going on more sewing.  
Blessings,  Lynn 

Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Ghost Towns and Bee's

I haven't done a lot of sewing lately.  You know how you go through those periodds of times that you slam it and get lots done and then there are the dry days where it doesn't seem like you can accomplish much.  I have continued to do my stitching on my Bee-utiful Blocks.  

Next one 

And then this one - 

So that completes 2 1/2 of my 4 1/2 that I wanted to get accomplished this month so that's good.   Next one on the agenda is this one -   All Prepped and ready to go.

Other than what little stitching I've been doing, I have been spending time with my Hubby. We've been doing a little sight seeing - one of our favorite things to do.  I love going for rides. The other day we drove a different route to Primm NV.  It's been quite a while since we have been there.  We passed through on one of our vacations trip home.  But it's been 16 years since we actually stopped and took in this bad boy of a roller coaster with our youngest daughter.  Of course I had to send her pictures and ask if she remembered the place.  

We stopped and had lunch and played a little then headed back home on the same route.  

We saw these weird light things on the way there and actually could see them for a long ways out.  We asked our waiter what they were and he told us they were a geothermal way of generating power with the sun hitting mirrors.  So after knowing that I was able to google it and came up with this article about it here if you are interested.  Thermal Plant near Primm.

 Along with this sighting (it reall is no little thing) I actually came across a couple of little places that really interested me.First one was Nipton CA. It is nothing much now - a

In fact when I googled it I found the population is 6 and the whole town was for sale in January of this year.  :)  But I also found that is was very active for many years, as a railroad depot hub for mining, cattle shipping and for other local attractions such as the Walking Box Ranch, which I'll tell you more about in a minute.  

Here is a link to some History about the town.  I'm thinking I want to go back and look around and try the little restraunt.   And here is the breif description that wikipedia gives it.  

Now that leads into the next place of interest and yes I forsure want to go and see it, if and when they are doing the guided tours. 
Nipton CA was also hub for Hollywood Stars to come to another local place called the Walking Box Ranch We did not get to see it in person but there are a couple large signs which of course peeked my curiosity and so I again did some searching.  The story reminds me of the story of William Randall Hurst and Hurst Castle - Just on a smaller scale.   A hollywood couple bought the ranch in the early 1900's and then worked it as a ranch, but also used it as a retreat get away for hollywood friends.  I found a picture that was labeled the stage from nearby town Searchlight NV to Walking Box Ranch.  

I'm not exactly sure why all of this really got me going - but I couldn't leave it alone.  I still want to look into this more and like I said when they are doing the tours of the ranch again, I definately want to go.  

This week is the start up of the guilds for the year.  Tonight is the first meeting for SNR Guild and Thursday will be my meeting for CRQ Guild.  And on Wednesdays, I am still helping a couple of ladies with the BOM  Peaceful Holiday.  If nothing else it keeps me out of trouble I guess.  :)  

Well I better get going for now - Have a Blessed day!    Lynn 

Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Dolls are ready

Yesterday I was able to finish the dolls, and now they are all packed and ready to go to the craft fair next month.    

I have a total of 10 dolls to sell.  4 this size, 1 small baby doll that is similar to the ones above - 

this one bigger doll that is in purple below,

and then 4 tiny dolls like this 

They are all packed and ready to go to the craft fair next month.  

Today - I am not sure how much sewing I'll do, maybe just some hand stitching.  Hubby is not golfing so we are going to go to a movie this afternoon.  :)

Have a Blessed Day! 

Sunday, September 4, 2016

Hankies and Dollies

What does a Hankie, a Spool of Thread and Something Plaid have in  common?  A scavenger hunt block!  :)  

I got the other two scavenger blocks topstitched also.  

Sewing Notion/Tool - Zig Zag - Acorns

Apple - Roman Numeral 9 - Dragon Fly

 Friday is normally my day to go to the cottage, but they were out of town so we had a no sew day.  (There at least)  So I took advantage of my home time and got to work on my scavenger blocks.  These are the last ones, so this part is done.  Now I need to decide if I actually want to combing them into a quilt.  Jury is still out on that one.  

Yesterday - I worked on my Doll in a Bag sets I need to get done for the craft fair in October.  If you have been following me for a year or better you know what they are but to recap - it's a little baby doll with a tote bag, a quilt, blanket, pillow and pillow case, a nitegown and matching bonnet and a dress and matching bonnet.  It took a large portion of the day to cut out all the parts for 3 sets.  

Then I took a couple hours and got most of one set done.  I still need to make the dress and matching bonnet and this set will be done.  

Hubby is golfing today so I will be working on finishing up this set and trying to get the other two done. 

After that, I have a larger doll that has her clothes done but needs the quilt, blanket and bag made.  Then I will be ready for the craft fair unless I want to make additional items to sell. I may make up some extra bags and quilts to sell without the dolls and additonal clothes - but have not made up my mind on that yet.  

Well Have a Blessed day - Lynn 

Thursday, September 1, 2016

August Finishes and September Goals

It was a busy month and I did accomplish quite a bit - however .... Well you'll see.

August Goals

1.  Scavenger Block(s):  Not sure how to rate this- goal was to do August block - I did all of them but they're only Half done.  I got them all designed and fused however they still need to be topstitched.  

August - Something Plaid - Spool of Thread - Hankercheif 

It's hard to see but I will embroider the girls face and arms.  

September - Appple - Roman Numeral 9 - Dragon Fly

October - Zig Zag - Acorn - Sewing Notion or Tool 

Goal:  Do the August Block.  Bonus Points if I do more.  

2.  Buttermilk Basin:  Finish "N" Block and Prep "O" Block when it comes out.

Again - 1/2 done!  I got the "O" Prepped - but did not get the topstitching done on the "N".   

3.  Bee-Utiful QAL -   

I have 6 blocks prepped that need to be stitched -  There will be 7 new blocks that come out in August.        Goal: Prep blocks 14-20 and have 6 blocks stitched. 

 Over 1/2 - I almost got this one done... So Close.  Here's the blocks I prepped - 

 #14 Bee Good 

#15  Bee Courageous

#16  Bee Sunny 

#17  Bee Happy 

#18  Bee Bountiful

#19  Bee Adventurous

#20  Bee Friendly

Here are the blocks I completed stitching: 
  # 8 - Bee Simple

#9 - Bee Fruitful 

#10 - Bee Kind

#11 - Bee Industrious

#12 - Bee Grateful 

#13 - Bee Romantic 
This one is not done as you can see.  :(

4.  Farmhouse Threads  "Harvest Mystery"  I have blocks 1 and 2 completed - I have blocks 3-7 Prepped, There will be 4 more blocks in August.  
      Goal: Prep the 4 new blocks.  Goal Complete 

5.  APQ UFO Buster # 6 - Wool Crazy and Wool Ark Crazy
Beginning Status - 
There is still so much to work on here.  The stitching between the blocks, around the appliques and more appliques added.   

Wool Ark Crazy - I have all the background put together.  The next step will be to do the crazy stitches around each block and then start adding the animals -
 2 x 2.  
                   Goal:  Make Progress  -   Goal Complete - I made Progresss

 6.  Peaceful Holiday - Pictured Above - Goal:  Finish the top! 

Since #6 is my major priority I am trying to keep the rest of my list a little on the lighter side. Once I get the top done I will concentrate on catching up all the other blocks. 
Goal Completed!  It is now prodly hanging in the quilt shop. 


B1 - Extra Scavenger Blocks -  Well I kinda did that See Above!   

B2 - Stitch more than 6 Bee-Utiful Blocks - Nope

B3 - Stitch some of the Farmhouse Blocks - Nope

B4 - SNR Guild Monthly Projects. I have 3 Items I need to create. I have  part of it designed just need create it.  
I got one of the projects samples done for that.  

I guess over all it wasn't too bad.  There are a lot of things undone - but I did get my major goal done which was thle quilt top. 

September 2016 Goals

So Where do I start for September?  Finish up August?  :)  In September the guilds are starting back up for one thing and I'm helping and teaching the BOM more, which may end up being weekly instead of once per month.  I want to keep it light and not load myself up too much.  I'll try to kee it light.  Operative word there was TRY.  Here we go

1. Buttermilk Basin "Let it Snow" BOM - Finish "N", "O", and Prep "W".  

2. Bee-utiful QAL Blocks - There are 7 1/2 blocks left prepped and ready to go (pictured above, ) - Complete the bike that I started and 4 more, minimum.

3.  Farmhouse Threads Mystery Harvest BOW - There is one more block coming out tomorrow.  Goal is to prep it and Complete minimum 2 blocks. I'll do these 2 first

4. Dolls in a bagYep it's Craft Fair time again - I have 3 Baby Dolls that need bags, blankets, quilts and clothes.  And a larger doll, that has clothes but needs the rest.      Goal: Get them done and ready for the fair. 
5. APQ UFO Buster #12  Which is Wool / Ark Crazy.  This year on my UFO's I listed only 6 UFO's but I listed them each 2 times in hope the extra time on each would help me get them done.  Well the Random number 12 ended up being the same UFO as last month's. My beginning status is pictured above as my ending progress from August.  Again - the Goal is to make progress.  

6. Scavenger Blocks (pictured above)  Finish the top stitching on them. 

7.  SNR Guild Projects - I am teaching the Diva Wallet for the guild workshop at the end of the month. I need to get a supply list ready by the 13th to be handed out at the meeting.  I also need to revamp the instructions we tried to use at the retreat - that did not go well.  :(  So I'll be working on that.

If I find that I just have a bunch of free time I have several more things I would like to accomplish for the month.  

B1.  Quilt the charity quilt I already have done and pinned. 

B2.  Start the next charity quilt that needs to be done for the new Military                housing facility that is opening up in the spring. 
B3.  Work on a Table Topper from my Kimberbell Book  - And do the project pictured below. 

B4.  Do More Harvest Blocks
B5.  Do the rest of the Bee Blocks

I really think this is plenty for the month.  Wish me luck.  
Blessings,  Lynn   

Embroidery Machine - Practice +

 I signed up for the Kimberbell mystery block of the month to give me practice with my new embroidery machine.  Here are the January blocks ...