Thursday, September 1, 2016

August Finishes and September Goals

It was a busy month and I did accomplish quite a bit - however .... Well you'll see.

August Goals

1.  Scavenger Block(s):  Not sure how to rate this- goal was to do August block - I did all of them but they're only Half done.  I got them all designed and fused however they still need to be topstitched.  

August - Something Plaid - Spool of Thread - Hankercheif 

It's hard to see but I will embroider the girls face and arms.  

September - Appple - Roman Numeral 9 - Dragon Fly

October - Zig Zag - Acorn - Sewing Notion or Tool 

Goal:  Do the August Block.  Bonus Points if I do more.  

2.  Buttermilk Basin:  Finish "N" Block and Prep "O" Block when it comes out.

Again - 1/2 done!  I got the "O" Prepped - but did not get the topstitching done on the "N".   

3.  Bee-Utiful QAL -   

I have 6 blocks prepped that need to be stitched -  There will be 7 new blocks that come out in August.        Goal: Prep blocks 14-20 and have 6 blocks stitched. 

 Over 1/2 - I almost got this one done... So Close.  Here's the blocks I prepped - 

 #14 Bee Good 

#15  Bee Courageous

#16  Bee Sunny 

#17  Bee Happy 

#18  Bee Bountiful

#19  Bee Adventurous

#20  Bee Friendly

Here are the blocks I completed stitching: 
  # 8 - Bee Simple

#9 - Bee Fruitful 

#10 - Bee Kind

#11 - Bee Industrious

#12 - Bee Grateful 

#13 - Bee Romantic 
This one is not done as you can see.  :(

4.  Farmhouse Threads  "Harvest Mystery"  I have blocks 1 and 2 completed - I have blocks 3-7 Prepped, There will be 4 more blocks in August.  
      Goal: Prep the 4 new blocks.  Goal Complete 

5.  APQ UFO Buster # 6 - Wool Crazy and Wool Ark Crazy
Beginning Status - 
There is still so much to work on here.  The stitching between the blocks, around the appliques and more appliques added.   

Wool Ark Crazy - I have all the background put together.  The next step will be to do the crazy stitches around each block and then start adding the animals -
 2 x 2.  
                   Goal:  Make Progress  -   Goal Complete - I made Progresss

 6.  Peaceful Holiday - Pictured Above - Goal:  Finish the top! 

Since #6 is my major priority I am trying to keep the rest of my list a little on the lighter side. Once I get the top done I will concentrate on catching up all the other blocks. 
Goal Completed!  It is now prodly hanging in the quilt shop. 


B1 - Extra Scavenger Blocks -  Well I kinda did that See Above!   

B2 - Stitch more than 6 Bee-Utiful Blocks - Nope

B3 - Stitch some of the Farmhouse Blocks - Nope

B4 - SNR Guild Monthly Projects. I have 3 Items I need to create. I have  part of it designed just need create it.  
I got one of the projects samples done for that.  

I guess over all it wasn't too bad.  There are a lot of things undone - but I did get my major goal done which was thle quilt top. 

September 2016 Goals

So Where do I start for September?  Finish up August?  :)  In September the guilds are starting back up for one thing and I'm helping and teaching the BOM more, which may end up being weekly instead of once per month.  I want to keep it light and not load myself up too much.  I'll try to kee it light.  Operative word there was TRY.  Here we go

1. Buttermilk Basin "Let it Snow" BOM - Finish "N", "O", and Prep "W".  

2. Bee-utiful QAL Blocks - There are 7 1/2 blocks left prepped and ready to go (pictured above, ) - Complete the bike that I started and 4 more, minimum.

3.  Farmhouse Threads Mystery Harvest BOW - There is one more block coming out tomorrow.  Goal is to prep it and Complete minimum 2 blocks. I'll do these 2 first

4. Dolls in a bagYep it's Craft Fair time again - I have 3 Baby Dolls that need bags, blankets, quilts and clothes.  And a larger doll, that has clothes but needs the rest.      Goal: Get them done and ready for the fair. 
5. APQ UFO Buster #12  Which is Wool / Ark Crazy.  This year on my UFO's I listed only 6 UFO's but I listed them each 2 times in hope the extra time on each would help me get them done.  Well the Random number 12 ended up being the same UFO as last month's. My beginning status is pictured above as my ending progress from August.  Again - the Goal is to make progress.  

6. Scavenger Blocks (pictured above)  Finish the top stitching on them. 

7.  SNR Guild Projects - I am teaching the Diva Wallet for the guild workshop at the end of the month. I need to get a supply list ready by the 13th to be handed out at the meeting.  I also need to revamp the instructions we tried to use at the retreat - that did not go well.  :(  So I'll be working on that.

If I find that I just have a bunch of free time I have several more things I would like to accomplish for the month.  

B1.  Quilt the charity quilt I already have done and pinned. 

B2.  Start the next charity quilt that needs to be done for the new Military                housing facility that is opening up in the spring. 
B3.  Work on a Table Topper from my Kimberbell Book  - And do the project pictured below. 

B4.  Do More Harvest Blocks
B5.  Do the rest of the Bee Blocks

I really think this is plenty for the month.  Wish me luck.  
Blessings,  Lynn   

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