Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Ghost Towns and Bee's

I haven't done a lot of sewing lately.  You know how you go through those periodds of times that you slam it and get lots done and then there are the dry days where it doesn't seem like you can accomplish much.  I have continued to do my stitching on my Bee-utiful Blocks.  

Next one 

And then this one - 

So that completes 2 1/2 of my 4 1/2 that I wanted to get accomplished this month so that's good.   Next one on the agenda is this one -   All Prepped and ready to go.

Other than what little stitching I've been doing, I have been spending time with my Hubby. We've been doing a little sight seeing - one of our favorite things to do.  I love going for rides. The other day we drove a different route to Primm NV.  It's been quite a while since we have been there.  We passed through on one of our vacations trip home.  But it's been 16 years since we actually stopped and took in this bad boy of a roller coaster with our youngest daughter.  Of course I had to send her pictures and ask if she remembered the place.  

We stopped and had lunch and played a little then headed back home on the same route.  

We saw these weird light things on the way there and actually could see them for a long ways out.  We asked our waiter what they were and he told us they were a geothermal way of generating power with the sun hitting mirrors.  So after knowing that I was able to google it and came up with this article about it here if you are interested.  Thermal Plant near Primm.

 Along with this sighting (it reall is no little thing) I actually came across a couple of little places that really interested me.First one was Nipton CA. It is nothing much now - a

In fact when I googled it I found the population is 6 and the whole town was for sale in January of this year.  :)  But I also found that is was very active for many years, as a railroad depot hub for mining, cattle shipping and for other local attractions such as the Walking Box Ranch, which I'll tell you more about in a minute.  

Here is a link to some History about the town.  I'm thinking I want to go back and look around and try the little restraunt.   And here is the breif description that wikipedia gives it.  

Now that leads into the next place of interest and yes I forsure want to go and see it, if and when they are doing the guided tours. 
Nipton CA was also hub for Hollywood Stars to come to another local place called the Walking Box Ranch We did not get to see it in person but there are a couple large signs which of course peeked my curiosity and so I again did some searching.  The story reminds me of the story of William Randall Hurst and Hurst Castle - Just on a smaller scale.   A hollywood couple bought the ranch in the early 1900's and then worked it as a ranch, but also used it as a retreat get away for hollywood friends.  I found a picture that was labeled the stage from nearby town Searchlight NV to Walking Box Ranch.  

I'm not exactly sure why all of this really got me going - but I couldn't leave it alone.  I still want to look into this more and like I said when they are doing the tours of the ranch again, I definately want to go.  

This week is the start up of the guilds for the year.  Tonight is the first meeting for SNR Guild and Thursday will be my meeting for CRQ Guild.  And on Wednesdays, I am still helping a couple of ladies with the BOM  Peaceful Holiday.  If nothing else it keeps me out of trouble I guess.  :)  

Well I better get going for now - Have a Blessed day!    Lynn 

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Embroidery Machine - Practice +

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