Sunday, September 4, 2016

Hankies and Dollies

What does a Hankie, a Spool of Thread and Something Plaid have in  common?  A scavenger hunt block!  :)  

I got the other two scavenger blocks topstitched also.  

Sewing Notion/Tool - Zig Zag - Acorns

Apple - Roman Numeral 9 - Dragon Fly

 Friday is normally my day to go to the cottage, but they were out of town so we had a no sew day.  (There at least)  So I took advantage of my home time and got to work on my scavenger blocks.  These are the last ones, so this part is done.  Now I need to decide if I actually want to combing them into a quilt.  Jury is still out on that one.  

Yesterday - I worked on my Doll in a Bag sets I need to get done for the craft fair in October.  If you have been following me for a year or better you know what they are but to recap - it's a little baby doll with a tote bag, a quilt, blanket, pillow and pillow case, a nitegown and matching bonnet and a dress and matching bonnet.  It took a large portion of the day to cut out all the parts for 3 sets.  

Then I took a couple hours and got most of one set done.  I still need to make the dress and matching bonnet and this set will be done.  

Hubby is golfing today so I will be working on finishing up this set and trying to get the other two done. 

After that, I have a larger doll that has her clothes done but needs the quilt, blanket and bag made.  Then I will be ready for the craft fair unless I want to make additional items to sell. I may make up some extra bags and quilts to sell without the dolls and additonal clothes - but have not made up my mind on that yet.  

Well Have a Blessed day - Lynn 

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Embroidery Machine - Practice +

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