Sunday, March 5, 2017

Four Days Gone

The title pretty well states how I'm feeling right now.   WOW.  I'm pretty certain that other people experience this but every now and then I have these time warps.  There are times when 4 days feel like forever and I have ump-teen projects done. Then there are other times where 4 days go by and I say WTH.  When did that happen.  So I will try and figure out where I have been the last few days.  LOL.
I came home from the retreat on Sunday afternoon and I have been tired since. But it's a good tired, I had a really good time. Since I've been home it's been slow going but what I've been working on is this. My Sweet Tweet project that I will be teaching at the CRQ guild. 
I stitched on this Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday between cooking and cleaning. 

Here it is laid out before I left for the retreat.  The branch will be needle turned.  The birds and the leaf pods are a different type of applique using interfacing - and the flowers and other leaves are wool applique. 

Here it is once I had the wool fused down and the branch done ready for the birds and the leaf pods to be sewn down. 

And here's where it is at, as of this morning.

All of the stitching is done, however I have some embellishments that I want to do. I need to add eyes to the birds and I want to add some beads to the flowers.

Thursday I ended up running errands all day.  We needed to get the dog licenses renewed,  and do some shopping.  Friday I helped sell tickets for CRQ guild then only got to go to the cottage to sew for a couple of hours before I needed to leave for my pedicure and nail appointment.  

Yesterday ended up being an extra day of sewing at the Cottage.  So I worked on my 3rd Bag Lady - Millicent - Cheryl.  
I worked on it off and on for 6-7 hours yesterday.  We do tend to visit and snack too.  :) 

Today, I am going to work on some little Bunny Bags I saw a tutorial on -  If they turn out I think they will be really cute for my Great Nieces, especially since Easter is coming. 
I also thought it would be cute to make an extra one and put chocolates in it for the retreat this month.  
I still have a lot of hand stitching I need to do this month, however I haven't had a lot of time to play with my new big machine so it will be fun to do some machine stitching.  
Tomorrow, I will be taking the car in to get it serviced and then Tuesday and Wednesday we are going to visit my Sister and Brother in law before they head back to Oregon.  I will of course be taking hand stitching for next few days - so today will be a nice break.
I'll post pictures later. 
Have a blessed day!

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