Friday, October 13, 2017

Bee's, Cats and Dogs and Pumpkins

I don't know how long I can keep up this momentum but I'm rolling with it.  
Okay you need to sit down for this one.  If you have been reading my blog posts for a while - you will be shocked with this - Hang on to something.  Yep I quilted the Bee Hive Baby Quilt.
Oh yes I did.  Here is a couple of close ups.
Can you see the Bee in the right corner. I got that design from Lori Kennedy at the Inbox Jaunt.

And here is the backing.

As you know I belong to two guilds.  One of them has a quilt show every other year with the next show being March of 2018.  So we spend part of 2017 getting ready for it.  Part of our quilt show is our boutique where we sell stuff to raise money for the guild. At our last business meeting they had a few items laid out on a table asking to have them taken home and brought back at the next meeting.  
There was a little zip lock bag with a piece of muslin with the words embroidered - and this:    Here is what I did with it.
I think it turned out really cute. 

Then Wednesday I was not feeling 100% but wanted to play so I found this pumpkin thing that a friend had started and  ...... Here's what I did to finish it. 

 After all of that I really needed to get some of the hand stitching of the bindings done so I worked on that for the rest of the day.  
I finished the dog and cat and after yesterday I have  the Fall Wall Hanging done.  
Today I am heading out to the Cottage and going to work on my Bag Ladies.  They have been very neglected lately.  

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Embroidery Machine - Practice +

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