Sunday, April 26, 2020

Slooow Stitching

I saw a post on social media the other day that said is this "Is tomorrow Monday or June?".... Well I think I can safely say that I am not the only one that is feeling that way.  I know a lot of people are having difficultly due to the Covid-19 situation in one way or another.  Whether it be the actual virus or a lay-off at work, or the isolation from others.  God Bless you and help you all.  
Well I'm not sure I can blame the craziness of the virus for me having a lack of time - not entirely anyhow.  I am working full time, and my extra time has been mainly consummed with cooking for my husband and brother in law whom is with us right now. He came for a visit but has had to stay longer do to the "Shelter in Place" orders.  
I get up, make breakfasts, then shower and go to work. Then I come home and we eat if I've grabbed something on the way home or I cook something and then we eat.  By the time I do that and make lunches for the next day - I'm pretty well done for the day.  
I'll get in a groove again and be more productive - but for now... I'm severely lacking in progress.  And I seriously doubt I will make my stitching goals for April.  I'm going to work on them a little today and tomorrow but still have other things to do too. 
Here's where I started this month... 

Here's where I am this morning. 
 Have I mentioned how long those branches take?  :)

Lets see how much I can get done today.  :)
Other things on the home front.... I went back to work to get some home projects done.  One of them was to cut down the dead tree so it doesn't fall on the house.

Next up will be garage roof and new doors.  I'll keep you posted. 
Have a nice day - God Bless,

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Embroidery Machine - Practice +

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