Sunday, May 17, 2020

On the Machine

Time is a unit of measure just as much as an inch, a yard a cup or a tablespoon. However as I measure my fabric before cutting, or my sugar before baking, a cup is a cup and an inch is an inch. But time is different - it is always changing. A minute can last forever, while an day can go by in a flash.  
I have been back to work for 3 months. In some ways it has flown by, yet it seems like a foggy whirlwind. During my 3 months of working, we have had family staying here for over 2 months of that time.  So now that it is just hubby and I again (and the fur babies) we are trying to figure out what our (me working) routines are.  I am in retail - my schedule is ever changing.  Different days off, different shifts.  One week early - one week late shift. 
All of this to say - I have not done a lot of sewing.  Let me clarify this.  I have done some (very little) embroidery and hand stitching, but I have not sewn on my machine since March.   Yep you read that right.  March! First my sewing room had become a guest room and then my days off I either got called in, had to drive family around for travel arrangements to get home, had to go to the dentist, (couple of crowns) needed to food prep or clean. Then on Mothers day which I miraculously got off - our power was out for a few hours.  by the time it was fixed and back on I was deep into the embroidery again I just stuck with it. So - no I have not sewn on my machine, until this past couple of days.  :)  I put a border on a panel for a baby quilt and got it pinned ready to quilt - and I made two pillowcases. Not a huge thing, but it made my heart sing to hear my machine hum again.  Here are my little accomplishments for my days off.  These are all going to Great Nieces.  The pillowcases are going to my Sister's Grand Daughters. 

And this Baby Quilt will go to my Nephew on my huband's side new baby.  

They had the baby about a month ago - hoping I get it done before she starts Kindergarten.  lol.. 
Off to work again today so better shut up for now.
Have a Blessed day!

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Embroidery Machine - Practice +

 I signed up for the Kimberbell mystery block of the month to give me practice with my new embroidery machine.  Here are the January blocks ...