Wednesday, June 17, 2020

Mid June 2020

Wow - Long time no posting.  I had no Idea that I hadn't posted since the 1st but .. Oh well.  Of course I've been busy doing this and doing that.  Working, Sorting, organizing, cooking and a tiny bit of stitching. 
My hubby has been very good about doing all the shopping or at least 99% of it since I went back to work. The only thing I have to do in any of it is packing and freeze meats and of course cook meals for the upcoming week.  That and a dentist appointment one of my two days off for the last # weeks... I haven't gotten much done in the quilting/sewing world.  But never the less here is the progress I've made on my little wool squares.

 This one was a little work doing the waffle part of the cone and then that was the 2nd set of beads to make the sprinkles.  The first set didn't look good to me so I took out.  

When I left off last evening, I was just starting on the hen.  For my one monthly goal I have the hen, a sail boat, a tea pot, a turtle and a sheep to finish up.  I keep thinking I'll do some work on them in the evenings, so far that hasn't happened. I have 3 more potential days off this month and one more dentist appointment so I guess we'll see how I do. 
As for my cooking I've tried a couple new recipes that I ended up liking a lot.  One was Broccoli Cauliflower Salad.  (Image from their site.)
Ohhhhh so yummy. 
 I also made a jalapeno popper breakfast casserole into egg muffins.  That way I only had to take a couple out and pop them in the micro for a quick breakfast. 
Both of these recipes were very good. :) 
I didn't do a bunch of prep cooking this week.  We are expecting to get our new refrigerator delivered this week. (even though it's been rescheduled 2 times) so trying to eat up left overs that are in the freezer and we also have the kids coming into town which means we'll probably be going out to eat a few times.  So saved me from a day of meal prepping. :). 
That's it for now, need to get ready for work.  Have a Blessed day and week everyone I'll be posting again soon. (I hope)  

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Embroidery Machine - Practice +

 I signed up for the Kimberbell mystery block of the month to give me practice with my new embroidery machine.  Here are the January blocks ...