Sunday, January 17, 2021

A Monday and A Sunday

On Sunday the 10th I got a day off and was able to go over to my friend Cheryl's house with my Sister and friend Gloria.  Cheryl has a long quilting machine and we had discussed me quilting one of the charity quilts that I made last year at one of the retreats.  So she already had it loaded when I got there.  So I got to long arm quilt 2 charity quilts.  Yay!!!  I've always wanted one and someday I'll get one but boy can you get a quilt done quick on one of those.  For my first one I did loops and meandering.  
Then on my 2nd one I wanted to try a pantograph so we loaded a couple of pieces of whole cloth.  The top had leaves so I picked a pano with leaves.  Makes sense right.  LOL  
Here is it on the machine - 

Here it is done - don't zoom in too much I think for my first attempt it's not too bad.  

I did discover you need to chill on trying to follow the Pantograph so close, that causes you to jerk a little, you kinda just need to go with the flow of it.  
All and all I was happy with my work.  I have been working a little bit in the evenings on my embroidery - I got the people in the sleigh done.  whew that took forever.  I'll show pictures of that later, since it's my OMG.  
I had today off  Sunday 1/17.  I tweaked a muscle in my back so didn't want to do anything too strenuous, but I was able to make a couple more of the little zipper bags.  These are for a friend at work.  

I want to make a few more of these but they take a special zipper so I need to stock up.  
For the rest of the day , I took a nap, a walk and then made dinner.  
That's it for now,  need to finish up and wind down, going back to work tomorrow.  
Have a blessed evening and I'll check back in a few days.

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Embroidery Machine - Practice +

 I signed up for the Kimberbell mystery block of the month to give me practice with my new embroidery machine.  Here are the January blocks ...