Friday, March 8, 2013

Beat the Winter Blues Blog Hop

Party Time has finally arrived

  Blog Hop Party with Give-Aways  Yahoo!!!!!

Thanks for stopping by - The giveaway is done!

Update :  Yahoo!!  I will pick a third winner for a needle case or set of mug rugs.  I will leave this open until 4:00 am Friday 3/15/13 PST (Pacific Standard Time) USA.   Then I'll pick the three winners.  Thank you so much for visiting my blog, I hope you come back and visit again.
And Thanks to Michelle at the Quilting Gallery for all the time and effort to put this together.

I'll Post the winners tomorrow and try to contact. 

Okay I am a little excited here - But it is my first Blog Hop that I am actually part of.

So to tell you a little about me, I am a wife to my very best friend. We have 3 grown children 5 grandchildren and 1 great grandson. I still work full time  + some, but try to take on quilty projects like I have no other responsibilities in the world.  So yes to the next question - I do have lots of UFO's, which of course I vow to finish soon.  Ha ha  So along with finishing the UFO's this year the other thing I have been interested in working on is being able to Free Motion Quilt at least well enough to do some of my smaller projects. 
I really enjoy all of the swaps and have participated in most of them that have been put on by the Quilting Gallery. Also I have found a group who does a monthly swap of doll quilts, Called Doll Quilts Monthly.  This will be my first month of swapping with them but so far is has been wonderful, to see what others are creating.  Along with swapping I tend to get excited about BOM's, and of course have several in various stages of completion. I also belong to a group called "Keep me in Stitches" and we do a "BABRR" it is like a round robin but you only do a block. 
So take a minute if you have it and look through some of my pictures, I'm sure I don't have them all posted but there are some. As you will notice I like to applique. I tend to favor needle turn but I do like to do other methods, as you will see in my give away(s).  Was that plural?

And now without further delay......  A Giveaway!   I know it's the best part.... I think so too.

I'm offering a couple items for the giveaway and all I want you to do is to leave a comment and let me know what your favorite color is & which item you want. More on that below so keep reading. I will pick in order of number picked so I can't guarantee you will get the one you want, unless you are the 3rd winner. I will be picking 2 winners to start and if I get more than 100 comments I will pick a third winner.

Give away #1 is four 1/4 yard cuts (not fat qtrs) of Civil War Reproduction fabric:

Give away #2 is this set of Mug Rugs:

   Close up!

Now for the third give away (if I get over 100 comments) will be a needle case or set of mug rugs, so just let me know what your favorite color(s) are and which of those two items you want and I will surprise you. So add that in because if the list gets big that doesn't mean the #4 won't get that last pick.

Okay all set leave your comment here then don't forget to go back to the Quilting Gallery and hop to some of the other blogs in the:  Beat the Winter Blues Blog Hop

Make sure to leave an email address so I can get ahold of you and Yes I will ship Internationally!

Thanks to the Quilting Gallery for hosting this Blog Hop and Thank you for stopping by.


  1. Oh these mug rugs are adorable! You are very talented.
    Shuttermom77 at gmail dot com

  2. First time on your blog (I can't believe you're a great grandmother!). A gal can never have enough fabric, so that would be my choice. Blue is my favorite color. Many thanks for the giveaway!

  3. First time on your blog too (and a fellow Oregonian). I love the Civil War fabrics as my quilts tend to be traditional (except those for the grandkids!), but those are some seriously cute mug rugs. Color - bright sunny yellows and orange.

  4. My fav colour is blue and I would love the Civil War fabric

  5. Thank you for the giveaway! love those fish) my colours are aqua and orange!

  6. How sweet of you to help Beat the Winter Blues! A quilter never can have enough fabrics to play with and you chose some beauties! Thanks for the chance!

  7. Love the fishy mugrugs but I would pick the civil war fabrics as I desperately need some for my stash. My favourite colour is yellow.

  8. Can I say I like grey? I like civil war prints too.

  9. My favorite color is purple, but I love to quilt with greens! I love the fabric it is beautiful!

  10. Love the fabric! It's hard for me to pick a favorite color. I like so many!

  11. I like all the colors and would love the fabric or the fish. Thanks for the chance!

  12. I could think of a project or two that those fabrics would be ideal for. Gave me some ideas. Thanks for the giveaway.
    My favorite colors are greens/blues.
    bandkgram (at) hotmail (dot) ca

  13. Civil war fabric for me please. Thanks for the chance.

  14. Those mug rugs are too cute! It was so nice to meet you through this blog hop and thank you for this chance to win your giveaway. No favorite color to speak of, but in all things quilting my favorite of the moment is anything bright. Quilty hugs!
    back2loghome (at) yahoo (dot) com

  15. Green is my favorite color & I'd love to win #1.

  16. The mug rugs are too cute to pass up!! thanks

  17. My favorite color is green with purple close second. I like the Civil War prints. Thanks for the chance.

  18. My favorite color is orange. Those mugs rugs are wonderful!

  19. Love Civil War fabrics. Thanks for the giveaway!

  20. My favourite colours are aqua and teal. If I win I'd prefer the Civil War fabric.

  21. I love blues and browns. I'd choose #1, but the mug rugs are adorable! Thanks for the giveaway!

  22. I love purple! Thanks so much for this great giveaway- I love the fabrics, very special :)

  23. I like novelty fabrics :D
    Thanks for the giveaway!

  24. A few days ago it was 15 degrees celcius, sunny and spring! But now it's cold again and there is even a bit of snow.....brrr. Those loveley fabrics and mug rugs of yours give me a sping feeling and make me smile!
    Thank you for this great give away!

  25. I like those civil war prints! My favorite mcolor is light green.

  26. My favourite colour is lilac and I would prefer the fabric, please.

  27. The fabric is beautiful. I would love to have the prints. I like to sew with green.

  28. I am very new to Civil War fabrics and my stash needs blues and greens. I am afraid it is going to be a growing addiction.

  29. Blue is my favorite color. I love the civil war prints.

  30. Your mug rugs are adorable, but I am short on fabric so i would prefer #1, my favorite color s blue, Thanks!!

  31. I love orange right now. If I win I would like the fabrics (#1). Thank you!
    Gun, Sweden

  32. Great giveaways - I like the fabrics!
    My favourite colour is green!

  33. Great giveaways! Creative ideas and I would love either. My fav color is dark red, or blue, or yellow. It really depends on the day :)

  34. i love that fabric just signed up to follow you

  35. Those fabrics are lovely. Thank you for the chance:)
    I like greens.

  36. What delish colours of fabric!
    Ive had a wander through your posts and this is a lovely place to come visit, thank you so much!
    Thank you for the opportunity to take part in a draw : ) Lyn

  37. My favorite color is blue and I would like the Civil War fabrics. Thanks for the chance.

  38. Nice give away and thanks for the chance to win.

  39. favorite color? blue or aqua
    love the civil war fabric and I like the mug rugs too. I'm going to make some mug rugs soon.
    Thanks for being part of the fun blog hop. Lovely giveaway. Thanks for the chance to win.

  40. Love the mug rugs. My favourite colour is blue. Thanks for sharing and for the opportunity on your draw.

  41. I love salmon and grey and could really use a needle case!

  42. I would love the fabric! My favorite color of the moment is yellow but we'll see how long that actually lasts.

  43. Love the idea of a doll quilt swap. Am going to have to participate in one of those.
    My favourite colour is orange.
    The mug rugs are so cute.

    also became a follower because I want to see photos of th doll quilt you are going to make.

  44. Hi. I am a new follower and i am looking forward to seeing all the things you do.
    My favorite color is green and I really love the mug rugs. Those fish are so adorable! Thank you for the great giveaway.

  45. The civil war prints would be awesome, thank you for the generous giveaway!

    thanksalatte @ gmail dot com

  46. Oh my, wonderful give a way. I would love the civil war prints. My son is a civil war re-enactor. He now has a serious girl friend that he will be asking to marry soon. She is now a civil war re-enactor with him. I made my son a CW reporduction quilt. I would like to make her one also. The grey fabric on the left, I have made a shirt for one re-enactor with it. Ohh I love Pink

  47. I'm a new follower. I wish I could have those Civil War fabrics. We're doing a lot with those lately. Come by and see us at Prairie Cottage Corner when you have a chance. Thanks for letting us visit.

  48. Thank you for the chance and thank you for participating in the hop. I would love the fabric. My fabric colors are oranges.

  49. I would love the fabric. At the moment I am loving Grey & Yellow tones like the Yellow colour way of Joel Dewberry Avery 2, I would love some mug rugs (Sad to admit I don't have any)

  50. I would love the fabric I have always wanted to make a civil war quilt. I love to add reds in my quilts. I hope you get to 100 I sure would love to win a set of mug rugs too! :)

  51. The Cw Or Fishies I Love Both Choices Either One Would Be Great. Thank You For A Chance To Win one.

  52. My favorite color is green - any shade. I would love to win the fabrics since I am really low on blues!!

  53. Fabrics would be my first choice, needlecase my second.

    Favorite color is Teal.


  54. Welcome to the giveaway world - it's so fun! I absolutely adore those mug rugs. I guess my fave colors are anything bright and whimsical, thanks!

  55. Very cute mug rugs, I would pick the fabric though since I want to make a Lil twister quilt with reproduction fabrics.

  56. The Civil War reproductions prints would be a lovely addition to my stash. Blue is my favourite colour too.

  57. Love the repro fabrics! Nice giveaway, the mug rugs are so cute:-)

  58. Wonderful giveaway! I would pick the fabric first but love the mug rugs! My favorite color is orange. Thanks!

  59. I am a huge CW repros fan. I am CO. coordinator for Home Of the Brave quilt project, that's how I came by my love of CW fabrics. Our organization makes CW replica soldier's quilts for families who have lost a soldier in the current conflict. So far we have given 90 quilts to bereaved CO. families.

  60. I love your little fishy mugrugs, right now my favorite color is green to go with my turtles.

  61. Thank you for the chance to participate in your giveaway. I am in love with most all colors. hard for me to choose favorites. But I guess I will choose red and or aqua or greys... I love the civial war reproduction fabrics. But the mug rugs are cute too.conn_and_vans_mom(at)yahoo(dot)com

  62. My favorite color is blue (medium or dark). What fabulous fabrics! I'd choose the fabric first! The fish mug rugs are cute! :) Thanks for a chance to win! :)
    bcgeates at netbistro dot com

  63. Thanks for the opportunity to win one of your giveaways. The mug rugs are adorable. My favourite colours are earth tones but lately I am venturing outside that and am liking turquoise.

  64. I like those fabrics. I want to make a Civil War Quilt. Thanks for the opportunity to win.

  65. Thanks for chance to win. The mug rugs are super cute.

  66. Wonderful fabric - I thought Civil War prints were all brown and tan but here they are in blues and I love blues!!! Lime green and navy are also two of my fav colours!

  67. I love purple and pink, but I am not too picky really. :) Thank you for a lovely giveaway!

  68. I really love the color blue. I think your mug rugs are so cute. I don't have a mug rug yet. So, mug rugs are my choice. So cute and you just have to smile when you see this. Thank you for the giveaways and for being a part of this blog hop and for being just you.

    Sandi Timmons
    Sonora, CA

  69. My favorite color is blue!
    I like both prizes . . . if I had to choose I would take the mug rugs.
    Hope you reach 100 comments!

  70. the mug rugs are gorgeous, thanks for the chance

  71. Favorite color is blue...followed closely by green. Thank you for participating in this hop! I would like either of your great prizes.

  72. I would like the fabric but would be happy with either gift if I were to win. Thanks for participating.

  73. Im a ted person and i love the mug rugs.. so whatever.

  74. Great giveaway! I love light pinks and sage greens for mugrugs that would work in my dining room

  75. Thanks for the great giveaway! Have a Happy Day! :)

  76. Oh how my Grands would love to use those fish mug rugs. Colors are all neutral to me so send a surprise fishy if it comes down to it!

    Thanks for the giveaway!

  77. What a wonderful giveaway. I love your fish!

    ktreve (at) hotmail (dot) com

  78. Thanks a million for the giveaway...I am a new follower from warm the mug rugs. Wishing you a great day of stitching more beauties....I love purple and blue.


  79. I'm a new follower....
    The mug rugs are adorable!!! Thanks for the chance to win the fabric and mug rugs.

  80. Your fabrics are beautiful! I think I'd pick them :)
    My color...hmm...I'm all about the aqua and red lately, lol!

  81. Oh how exciting, your first blog hop. Yay. I have to say that if that's a current picture of you that you do not look old enough to have a Great Grandson! Being married to your very best friend is a wonderful thing, isn't it? It took me 3 tries, but I am now married to a wonderful man who I know is my soulmate and for sure my best friend also. It sure makes life much more fun.

    I would love the fabric, but my Granddaughter living with us right now would also love the cute fishy. She's only 1 yr old so it would probably be used for other than a mug rug. She has one little quilt I made for a quilt along in her crib and plays with it. She loves it. So, I would be happy with either. My favorite color is purple.
    Thank you for the wonderful giveaway and a choice too.

    1. oops, forgot one thing - vburr at charter dot net.

      Thanks again. Have a great week.

  82. How cool are those! This is my first blog hop, too. If I had to choose I would pick the mug rugs but would be happy with either. If you make 100, my favorite color is red and I would pick mug rugs again. Thanks for the giveaway!

  83. My favourite colours right now are grey and yellow (together). Would love to get the reproduction fabric.
    ehodasz at yahoo dot com

  84. Your mug rugs are adorable, I love them. My favorite colors are red and teal

  85. Thank you for an awesome giveaway! Happy Spring!

  86. My favourite colour is purple. But even though there isn't any in your bundle, I still love the fabric!
    pippirose59 at gmail dot com

  87. Ich mag schwarz und beerentöne am liebsten

    Grüße aus Deutschland

  88. Oh the Civil war fabrics are wonderful. My colors are blue. Thank you for the opportunity to win.

  89. Great prizes - I esp like the Civil war fabrics. I love blues and greys

  90. I love the Civil War fabric. My colors lately are pink & green.

  91. I love the fabrics. My favorite colors at the moment are grey & red. I hope you do get 100
    followers! The needle case would be cool.
    I am a follower. Thanks for the chance to win!


  92. Hi Lynn, Thanks for being part of the Hop. I love the fabric and the fish, The color I like best is any shade of red. Thanks for a chance.

  93. I love all colours esp blues and reds. Your needle case sounds gorgeous to win!

  94. I like the civil war fabric :) my favorite color is green :) amateurquilter at gmail dot com

  95. I love, love, love those blues even though red is my favorite color. Thanks for participating in the blog hop!

  96. I like the fabrics and my favorite color is RED.

  97. thank you for this chance. I am follower from Italy. hugs Alessandra

  98. Let's see... My favorite color is yellow, and I like bright colors in general. Of the first two choices, I would choose the Civil War repros (I have a scrappy quilt using these in progress.)
    If I were the 3rd winner, I would like either of the choices, so you could surprise me.

  99. I love any fabrics in blue.

  100. I need the fish. I love blue/green. Thanks :)

  101. Love the Civil War fabrics. Thanks for the chance to win. I tend to choose bright colors.

  102. Oh Wow - what a lot of nice giveaway goodies. Personally I would be thrilled with any of them..
    Super nice giveaway.
    Thanks for the chance.


Embroidery Machine - Practice +

 I signed up for the Kimberbell mystery block of the month to give me practice with my new embroidery machine.  Here are the January blocks ...