Sunday, August 20, 2017

Family Friends and Frogs

I must been very intuitive this month - knowing not to plan too many goals and want to's.  My want to's always out weigh my time anyway.  I went to the retreat  and had a really nice time.  I've only done this particular retreat one other time. It's really pretty much the same as the other retreats except that is has 4 times as big.  We normally have 25 - this one had 101.  
Here is the view as we walked in to start setting up.  
My friend Gloria
From the front looking back.
Our table and machines would be off to the left of this Picture. 
Looking to the left from my seat. 

Looking to the right -  Gloria and Cheryl. 

I started out working on my Frog Works Quilt.  Unfortunately, I didn't get as much done at this retreat,partly because I was working with little pieces and also because I spent  a fair share of my time ripping.  You know stitch one rip two.  Which brings me to one of the other things that this retreat has to offer.  They do door prizes and and they also have the "Rip it Jar"  On the honor system you add a quarter for every time you have to rip something.  Then at the end of the retreat everyone tries to guess how much money is in the jar. The one closest to the total wins the money.  My friend Cheryl won.  Yay!
Okay back to my progress - I was able to get all of the setting blocks sewn for the Frog Works Quilt. 

Here are the blocks in no specific order. There are two of each block, a 6" and then a 9".   

On this one I noticed that one part was wrong and will need to be redone. However after looking I  need to fix 3 parts.  
On the last day of the retreat we only had a couple of hours before needing to start packing things up.  But in an effort to do more than one thing I started sewing my rainbow strips togeher for the stack and flip quilt. I did get them together. 
Due to the fact that they all different size strips and are not all 2 1/2" strips it came out a little smaller than I was intending.  I haven't decided if I want to add more strips or if I am going to leave it small and add an applique to make it a baby quilt.  I will let you know what I decide.  
That pretty much summed up the retreat. It was super fun, we all seemed to enjoy it and have signed up for the next "Big" retreat which will be in February.  That of course will make 2 in February so that will be a busy month. 
Only one bad thing happened at the retreat - I stubbed my toe.  And not only did I stub it - I stubbed it so bad that I had trouble getting it to stop bleeding and since I was staying at the hotel I had to call one of my friends and ask for her to bring me band aids.  Uggh!! I didn't know it at the time, but I pulled the nail away from the nail bed - Yes I am probably going to loose the nail.  On a daily basis it is okay - it really only hurts when I put shoes on, thank God for flip flops.  And since it is polished oh so nice - no one really knows.  I'd love to post several pictures to show you but that would gross you out. Yes you can thank me now.  ha ha.  Okay enough of that. 
My one brother in law Frank stayed with us for another week after the retreat ended so we spent some time with him swimming and sight seeing before he went home. We drove up to Kingman AZ and had some lunch, then took him on the Route 66 road from there to Oatman AZ.  On our way we spotted some big horn sheep - thank God we were driving slow.  It's a very windy road and we could have easily ran into them. Some went down the mountain side this one headed up.  
It was funny that I got a picture of him looking back at us.  
Then as we went thru Oatman AZ we got to see the many burro's that roam  the streets freely. 
They sell carrots and cakes of alfalfa that you can feed them.  However as you can see - there is a sticker on this baby's head.  It tells you not to feed the babies.  They're not ready for food yet. 

And here is a lone little guy on the way out of town. 
 I was happy to to do that for Frank - he's a great Brother and BIL and loves animals. 
Well I'm going  to end this one here. I'll do another post to let you  know what I've done since then. It's still busy here in our Desert home.  
Blessings,  Lynn 

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Embroidery Machine - Practice +

 I signed up for the Kimberbell mystery block of the month to give me practice with my new embroidery machine.  Here are the January blocks ...