Wednesday, August 30, 2017

Project Line Up

Project Line Up - Yep I've been a cutting machine lately.  But before I get into that and why - I have to say that August has been a little of a mystery month. Who - What - Where - and Why? 
To Recap:  We started out the month with company. Our Cousins and a couple of my husbands brothers were here.  The cousins and one of the brothers  left. Then the remaining brother and my husband left and went on a two day trip, while I stayed at home.  When they got home, I left for 4 days for a retreat. Then my brother in law left mid month and I think we've spent the rest  of the month (picture finger to lips, stroking up and down) going blub blub blub.  *smile*  And to top all of that, my husband has been battling his back and knee again so he hasn't been golfing as much.  Which means even though I'm still getting sewing time - I'm totally out of my rhythm.  Golf Days were my days to do my cooking, cleaning and sewing.  Non golf days were gym days and errand running.  Well so be it.  We've  been doing more drives and sight seeing, doing some swimming at the lake and - we're just winging it day by day!   Here's what all I've done. 
At the beginning of the month I finished my Tumbler Tote:
At the retreat I got my Frog Works Blocks done:

At the retreat I started the Stack and Flip Quilt:
Then I finished my new Great Granddaughter's Quilt top and got it pinned:

I Quilted the Charity Quilt:
These are the quilts I use to practice my free motion quilting on.  This is how it looks on the back.
And a close up of the border. 

And - I prepped and prepped and prepped.  Here is the why -  
I really didn't think I had anymore retreats until October.  That's what I get for thinking.  *smile*   I have two get away/retreats back to back.  Starting the day after Labor Day I am going with a friend to another friends cabin in Williams, AZ.  We will have 2+ days of sewing and one day of sightseeing.  Stay tuned for details and pictures.  I think we will be going to "Bearizona" (Click on the link) which is a drive through animal park.  And then we're going to Sedona AZ - Always wanted to go there.  Fun  Fun Fun!!!
Then I'll get home from that on Friday - We have plans to get together with friends on Saturday and then the following Thursday I set up for another retreat at our normal small room at the Casino.  This is a new group of ladies, approximately 30 and I think I know maybe a dozen of them.  
And finally as if I haven't drawn it out long enough - here are the items I have been prepping. I have selected fabric and made them into kits and then got them cut and ready to go.  
Garden Patch Cats - This is "Pod Cats". 
Next is "Pepper Puss"
This next one is from the Wooden Bear.
I bought this next one as a kit, in a quilt shop in California. At the time, we were still living in Oregon and were just on vacation. So that tells me this kit has to be approx 5 years old.  
I just got this next one. One of my friends didn't want to do it and said it looked like me.  LOL     
Then at the last retreat another of my friends, the one I'm going to Williams with gave me the below kit.  I didn't cut this one out yet but taking it with us.   
Fishy Business - I keep looking at this and doing other stuff.  I finally cut out the strips for this and got the fabric for fish ready.  I'm taking a lot of fusible with me for all these applique quilts. 
I also have this material that I got and my friend Cheryl is going to show me how to cut to make "Four Patch Posie".  It is a type of "Stack n Whack".  
I have way more ready to go than time to do it, but I will now be ready for the next few retreats with kits that are cut and ready to go.  
So now I am prepped and ready to go for next month - I guess I'll see what all I can get done. I only have a couple of actual goals I will post them September 1st.  
Blessings,    Lynn 

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