Tuesday, January 30, 2018

Cottage Quilt

As I've mentioned several times I go and have open sew at a place called the Cottage every Friday.  It is also where one of our guilds meet.  (Stitch N Rippits) Well - let me tell you a little story: About a year ago, one of my friends found a kit for a quilt that included wool applique.  She is not a hand stitcher for the most part but she loved the quilt so got it.  Lo and behold I have that quilt it's a UFO. Pennies from Heaven 
Here are the blocks I have done.

At the time she was still working and couldn't come every Friday but she came to a Friday here and there and once a month on Saturdays. She would work only on that quilt - she called it her "Cottage Quilt".  In about 9 months with very little work at home she finished that quilt top. Of course that gets your mind going and I said that starting with the new year I would bring one of my UFO's make it my Cottage quilt and work on it until it was done.  I thought about doing this one - but I have so many I just wasn't sure which UFO I wanted to do.  Then I came across my Wool Crazy and Wool Ark Crazy quilts.  They won.  Here is the pattern picture of Wool Ark Crazy.
Here is my foundation - This is where I started this month.
I was able to finish the crazy stitches between pieces. 
Before I continue with this one, now that I have the crazy stitches between all the pieces, I am going back to the Wool crazy and finish it up. 
Here is what I have so far - 
When I started this years ago, I did the crazy stitches as I did the applique.  I now want to go back and do all the crazy stitches between pieces and then will finish up the applique.  Some of the applique is fused but needs to be stitched down.  The snowman, the sheep, the hand and the squirrel need to be stitched and have the added detail put in. 
So these are my Cottage Quilts.  I will work on them until they are done - Then tackle my next UFO /  Cottage Quilt. 
Blessings,  Lynn 

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Embroidery Machine - Practice +

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