Tuesday, January 30, 2018

Guild Projects

This year for the large guild our intra guild projects are somewhat focused on small charity projects.  Things we can make and give to Senior Centers, Hospitals, Veteran Homes and the homeless.  In for this month we made some more of the homeless totes.  These have a terry cloth towel and fabric and has little pockets to hold soap, shampoo toothbrush and toothpaste.  When the stuff is out of it, it can double for a wash cloth.  

Since my Sister is here and I signed her up for this guild :)  we each made two.  
That was our January project.
For February to be turned in at our February meeting - our project is an Easter Pillow.  I can't remember if they are going to the Alzheimer care facility or the senior assisted living facility.  Regardless here is my pillow.  
Then for the other guild SNR  we do the same thing but we call it our charity projects.  So for January we made "Chemo Port Pillows".  They are little pillows that cancer patients can attach to their seat belt so it doesn't press into the port and hurt.  On the charity sew day I set up the machine for my Sister. One lady cut the fabric pieces, I cut the velcro and pinned in place. She sewed the pillows I trimmed and turned them, another lady stuffed them and someone else sewed the opening closed.  Sis and I got 20+ sewn together.  That day from all of us we made over 50 and as of now I think we have close to 80.  I forgot to get a picture of ours but this is what they look like.  
Next - we like to put labels on the quilts we donate and the lady that owns the Cottage where we sew is the one that usually makes all of them.  So I have started helping her with them I made a dozen or so a while back, those are gone and she's made more in between. So I told her I'd make some more.  Here's another 14. 
The last thing is the workshop that we had at SNR it was a Valentines wall hanging. 
Well - That pretty well sums up the small projects I did this month between the two guilds.
Blessings,  Lynn 

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Embroidery Machine - Practice +

 I signed up for the Kimberbell mystery block of the month to give me practice with my new embroidery machine.  Here are the January blocks ...