Wednesday, March 28, 2018

Finished OMG Complete

I really was wondering if I would be able to pull off getting this OMG One Monthly Goal done.  Especially after I got the bright idea to hand quilt it.  But this little wall hanging quilt really looked like it needed it.
It's hard to see in some areas but I'm very happy at how it turned out.  This was a free pattern from Kaaren Johnson at The Painted Quilt Blog Spot.
I am linking this up to Elm Street Quilts, One Monthly Goal. 
Now to figure out what will be my next months goal.
Have a great day!

Monday, March 26, 2018

Three and a half Tops

It's Probably more like two and two halves but close. So what am I talking about?  My retreat progress.  For a short retreat I got quite a bit done.  Yay!  
First up Prismatic Vines.
This is 4 Patch Poesy that I started this last September when I went to Williams. Here's a close up.
  Happy to have the top done.
Next up, I started this one in October, however it was inspired by one that my friend Patty was doing while we were at her cabin in Williams.
Mine is on the left and I did scrappy like Patty did hers.  Cheryl, who was also in Williams, is on the right and sewed the same color fabrics around each center. 
So those are the 2 tops that are done.  The next is as done as I could make it. I started it with my scraps of purple and sewed all I brought with me, but it's not big enough and I'll need to add something to it.  
And the following one will need some borders too.  It too is not big enough.  
Kinda looks like an old fashion table cloth for a picnic.  Here is a close up.
Because of the purple tones in it someone talked me into buying and cutting this purple fabric as sashing. 
However once I got to the retreat it just didn't look right and so it ended up smaller than I thought it would be. I will be putting some borders around it as well.  
Then since I couldn't go any further with either of them, I started a new quilt - Rubber Ducky tumbler quilt.  I didn't get real far but got each tumbler sewn to at least one other tumbler.   

We of course had lots of fun and food.  Here are a couple pictures of our white elephant game on Saturday.  

I didn't get any pictures of our food this time.  Friday lunch was deli meats cheeses and a couple of salads. Saturday was a plated Caesar Salad and Chicken Alfredo with chocolate fudge cake for dessert.  The breakfasts were plentiful as well.  
Unless something comes up I don't have another retreat until June.  Sad...  but I'm sure I'll survive.  
Until then I'll be finishing up stuff for this month and setting up things for next month.

Friday, March 23, 2018

Let it Snow in AZ

At this point in the year I know a lot of people are not really happy with the word "Snow".  But here in Arizona I'm very happy.  I got a 3rd place ribbon on my "Let it Snow" Quilt in the Colorado River Quilt show.  

Here are some of my friends quilts that also won ribbons.

I still remember when she was doing all the thread play on this at a retreat. 
And with that I have a retreat this weekend.  I am making myself take UFO's to finish stuff up.  I usually let myself take something new and exciting - but that creates more UFO's.  I have 4 UFO's and one new thing.  I will hopefully come home with 4 completed Tops and 1 UFO.  It's only a 2 1/2 day retreat so not sure.  As Always I will let you know.
I also have continue to work on my OMG for the month which is to hand quilt this quilt.  

Almost there I'm on the last border now - and I have one more week to finish.  Hopefully I can make it. 
Have a nice weekend,
Blessings - Lynn 

Thursday, March 15, 2018

Marching On

My March OMG post had to do with One Monthly Goal.  But I've been super busy and and it's been a little more of an Oh My Goodness.  :)  I probably shouldn't have started the first post of the month titled "March OMG"  it's kinda been that kind of month.  Ha Ha.... 
Okay what have I done - I made an apron for my sweet friend Bev's birthday! And of course I told my self I'd get a better picture later and didn't. There is also a matching pot holder, it's under the left edge there.  It's very similar to the pocket I put on the front.  She loves Chickens.

I also gave her the table runner we made at our February workshop.  I don't really have a place for them and she always decorates for each holiday. 

I have also been working on my "Cottage Quilt" which happens to be my Wool Crazy quilt.  

I only have four more sections and then I will be ready to back it.  I'm not sure yet how I want to do that but I'll figure it out.
I also got the baby quilt for my friends daughter done.
I used another of the whales as the label on the back.  Now I need to get it in the mail.
And of course I've been working on my OMG quilt - Twas the night before Christmas. I got the stitching done and the top put together and now I am hand quilting it.  
What was I thinking.  ha ha - I am out of practice but it's going okay - I just don't have little stitches like some people can do. 

Tomorrow is the start of Colorado River Quilters Quilt Show. That's the big guild I belong to.  I am working the early shift from 9-11 and then will have the rest of the day to run errands and hopefully come home and do some more quilting.  
Next weekend is another retreat and I have not decided what I want to take and work on.  A lot of times I take new projects to work on and I have a couple of them cut out and ready to go, however I really want to stick to finishing things rather than start new ones. I  am trying to decide on some UFO's to take to work on. Of course I'll let you know.
Have a blessed day! 

Friday, March 2, 2018

March OMG

Hello March - and I mean my title in two ways.  First "Oh My Goodness" - it's already March.  Wow! And Secondly which really is my First intention - I want to share my "One Monthly Goal" that I will link up over Elm Street Quilts.

As the months of the year go on, the busier I seem to be, so I really hope I can keep up the momentum of finishing something - even it its's small.  
So for this month, continuing with my goal of working on my Winter/Christmas UFO's and Projects all year long, my next goal is - "Twas the Night Before Christmas".  This is/was a free pattern from a designer Kaaren Johnson.  She no longer blogs but gave a free pattern one Friday Month, called Friday Freebie. Her free patterns are still available at The Painted Quilt Blogspot.  
This was originally posted as Red Work - I of course wanted to do in more colors. 
 I worked on it a little at the last retreat and go some of the setting blocks done.  

So for this month I need to finish up the Santa Block:
And the stitch the lettered block: 
then I'll be able to put together, quilt and bind. 

That's my one monthly goal at Elm Street Quilts

I'm going to go link up and check out some others goals. Head over there and share some encouragement. 
Blessings, Lynn 

Embroidery Machine - Practice +

 I signed up for the Kimberbell mystery block of the month to give me practice with my new embroidery machine.  Here are the January blocks ...