Saturday, March 30, 2019

Playing Catch Up

The last couple of weeks have been a foggy blur... I was battling allergies really bad at the B.A.D. retreat and I think it ended up turning into a full blown cold.  I just couldn't kick it.  I took a whole week here at home, not sewing,  just laying low and not doing much but my annual physical and lots of cooking.  More about that later. 
The 15th was Charity day.  Cheryl, Gloria, Randi and I sewed strip after strip together and then I would cut them into 9 1/2" blocks.  We got 40+ blocks done and then Cheryl and Gloria got them sewn together.   Since then Cheryl got it quilted and another strip quilt she did on her own and then turned into the Cottage for SNR guild. The diagonal one is the one she did on her own the wonky one it the joint effort.  

On the 16th I went to Lake Havasu City for a mini quilt show for Nation Quilt Day with some of my friends, then to lunch. I didn't take many pictures but these two were neat.  
A close up of the bottom one... 
It's a technique where you sprinkle crumbs of scraps on the background and as in this one lay the tree's in, then you lay tulle over the top to hold it in and then quilt it to hold it all in place.  
Some day, I'd like to try this technique ... Some day.  
Okay now about the cooking.  
I had to go in for my annual checkup.  First I have to show a couple of pictures, my Dr. does metal art in his spare time to relax... I love it.
Well my cholesterol was up a year ago so starting taking some medication, then I got it down by eating better and taking medicine, but not far enough so kept taking meds.  Then I ate really bad for a couple of months and boy oh boy stinking little blood test was such a tattle tale.  It's back up again.  Dang.  So I still need to drop a few pounds and I need to quit eating all the bad food and fast food.  So I've been researching low carb, low fat, low cholesterol recipes.  I can do lots of grilled chicken salads but my dear hubby gets bored with food fairly easily so I need to keep it interesting.  I have tried 10+ recipes so far that hubby say can be repeats.  I'm even making things with coconut flour and almond flour.  What the what?  :) 
I have a few pictures but not all of them - Chicken Zucchini and Tomato
 Beans, Zucchini Fritter and Eggs.
 Baked Turkey
 Meatloaf and Roasted Veggies.
 Coconut Flour Pizza (yes it's a do over - different toppings) 

I also tried Pork Rind Chicken, (pork rinds have no carbs) and Cauliflower Potato salad, and Copy Cat Chipolte Burrito Bowl.   They were yummy.  I'll take a picture next time.  
I'll keep you posted on new items I try and how it's going. I'm going to post on the next retreat in the next post - Until then, Have a Blessed day.  
#lowcarblife #gettinghealthy 

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Embroidery Machine - Practice +

 I signed up for the Kimberbell mystery block of the month to give me practice with my new embroidery machine.  Here are the January blocks ...