Saturday, December 28, 2013

A Finish

This is a wall hanging that I wanted to finish this fall to hang up before Thanksgiving - but life happens. :)  I've been working on it for awhile in a class that we have once a month called "Woolies" and most of the time only worked on it there, but it was close and I wanted it done so finished it up. I was able to get it done right around Christmas time and though it's not Christmasy- I wanted to display and enjoy for a while.

Normally a wool wall hanging is just blanket stitched around the edge but I actually backed it with another piece of black wool - then bound it with the rust color.  I blanket stitched it on the front, mitered the corners and then whip stitched the back.  I'm very happy with it and since I made it for myself (rare) I am happy. 

Thanks for looking,

Wednesday, December 25, 2013

A Big Finish..

Well I started this quilt in September or October of 2010 and because I don't just stay with one thing it took a while to finish, but I finished the top in July and gave to the quilter and then she had some health issues so it took a few months - but I got it back and I got the binding on so......  It is done. :) 

Here it is "Sweet Land of Liberty" by Cheri Saffiote Payne  

Really happy it's done. 

Sunday, December 15, 2013

New FO's 2014

Well I've been so busy and lots going on - that I missed the December NewFO  but I'm sure you know I will be doing several New FO's in the new year and I'm sure even more than the ones I'm listing here. Because what good respectable quilter doesn't see new things through out the year and just have to start them?  (Wink)  

2014 NewFO Challenge

1. Well one of my very first starts for the new year will be a woodsy type of quilt that has been requested by my Sister for their 5th wheel camper.  And I don't have a good picture - because I don't have a pattern - just an idea she has in her head that she made a sketch of on a napkin of the center block.  Not sure that it shows up well - but this was the sketch. She wants the center block to be of two bears.... So I will have to keep you posted on that. 

The rest of my quilts are in no special order just when ever I can get to them and get them started.

2.  Frog Work - My Mom loved Frogs and collected them so whenever I see them I makes me think of her. And my daughter after Mom went to heaven got a frog tattooed n her ankle so it makes me think of her too.  So I saw this quilt kit several times and finally broke down and got it - I'm very eager to start it but have had too much going on, so it is perfect for the 2014 New FO.
3. Next one I bought this pattern over a year ago and I really like it so I need to put it up on the list or it's not going to get done. 
4.  I picked up two of these patterns at one time for reverse applique, one was dragonfly's which I did for myself, and the other was the Giraffes that I picked up for my Sister, because she collects Giraffes.  I've had the pattern and the material for probably 2 years - so I think it's time to get it going.  I have picked similar colors to do this in batiks.

5.  Next is a pattern that I picked up in Las Vegas while on vacation.  That was in September and I thought maybe I would be able to get it going and done for this Christmas.  ha ha ha..  Well hopefully if I start it soon enough in the year I can have it done by next Christmas.

6. Next is one that was done in a couple of classes at my local Quilt shop and I was unable to attend the series of classes - so got the pattern want to do for my Sewing Room.   :)

7. Next I have a monthly class that I go to and we work on wool projects.  For this next year we have decided as a class to do this quilt that was featured in the French magazine called "Simply Vintage"  It is a quarterly publication that is translated into English now.  The quilt is called "Welcome to Texas".

8.  This one is a new one put out by Bonnie Sullivan from "All Through the night" She is local here to Oregon just a few miles south in Salem Oregon.  This one is called "Berties though the year".  Me and the silly birds.  Birds and Lambs get me every time.  :)  A couple of my quilty friends and I are going to do this together. 
1320 Bert BOM
Along with all the ones I have listed - I have several other things that I have patterns for and want to do, and will also be doing the monthly Doll Quilt Swap with Barbara and monthly Pincushion Swap that I host. 
And of course there are many many projects I want to finish - but that is for another group.  This one is just about starting.  :) 
Have a blessed day everyone. 

Thursday, November 7, 2013

New FO Challenge for October

Well I certainly drug this out to the last few minutes.  I am don't usually take this long to get my post up but oh well - still in time.  :) 

My first NewFO is "Modern Christmas" It is a Quilt-a-long hosted by Christa of Chirsta Quilts

The next is a Wall Hanging that I wanted to get done for Halloween or Thanksgiving (what year ?)

Next is the pincushion(s) that I made for my pincushion group. Acorn & Oak Leaves.

Next is the little quilt I made for the Doll Quilt Swap!

 Our theme this month was "Show us Where you Live" Your Country, State, City or Home ... your choice. So my partner was from Minnesota and I'm from Oregon, so this is what I made, with a matching pin cushion of course.  Front and Back!

And finally the progress I'm making on "Daisy Days" BOM from Jenny of Elefantz.  Thursdaisy is done, and Fridaisy is started.  I'm starting to fall behind.  Fridaisy needs to be finished and a good start on Saturdaisy by the end of this month - Hmm  not sure if that's going to happen as I barely got the pink daisy's done on Fridaisy. (and it's hard to see)  Oh well here they are. 

Okay that's it for October. 
Have a great November!  Blessings,   Lynn

Sunday, October 13, 2013

Q4 Finish-A-Long 2013

she can quilt

Well since I did so well last quarter getting 4 of my 6 done and since this is the last quarter of this year, (where did the year go?) I am shooting for a lot of finishes.


This is a wool wall hanging from "Lily Anna Stitches" I need to finish the top stitching and then back and bind.
Another Wall Hanging - This one is from Buttermilk Basin.  All of it is fused on I now need to top stitch it all and then quilt and bind.
I started this so many years ago - I just need to finish and be done with it.  Blanket stitch and then quilt and bind.
More wall hangings that just need to be finished.  I might even be able to hang during the Christmas season.  :) 
This is a that I did and got quilted a couple of years ago and just have not finished the binding.  So if this it what it takes to get it done - I'm for it. 
Okay finally something new - this is a quilt a long from Christa Quilts.  If I follow her schedule I should have this quilted and the binding done by the end of this quarter.  So here's hoping.

This needs to be quilted and bound.  I made this last March and that's where it stayed - just a top. 


Here is one I had from last time - I have sent this one to the quilter and unfortunately she had some health issues that delayed her getting this quilted.  So if she is able to get this quilted and back to me I will put the binding on and it will be finished.  This is  Sweet Land of Liberty by Cheri Saffiote Payne - with a few adjustments. 

  And for the final one - this another one that I had on last quarter.  It is a fall wall hanging.  It needs to be quilted and bound.  Hopefully I will be able to get all of these done.

Happy Quilting and Blessings,

Sunday, October 6, 2013

NewFO for September

Well I have to say it was a wonderful month.  I was on vacation for 2 weeks so that does help to make it wonderful.  And I used the driving time while hubby was driving to do a lot of hand work that helped me to finish some UFO's.  So even though I don't have a lot of NewFO's this month I'm happy that I still spent time sewing. 

So here we go I am continuing on with the Daisy Days BOM from Jenny of Elefantz.  So last month I started Wednesdaisy  which I finished -

But My NewFO is Thursdaisy -
The picture is kind of dark but if I use the flash you can't see the lines of the picture. 

Then of course I did a doll quilt for September with matching pincushion -

And then I did other pincushions for my pincushion group and one extra for a friend.

And I made more bibs for my Great Nieces that were got to stop and see in California on our way to Arizona.  They are so cute (the girls).  Here are the bibs.

So that was it for NewFO's. 

Thanks for stopping by - Blessings, Lynn

Q3 Finish-A-Long #4

she can quilt

For my #4 Finish another wall hanging that I started way too long ago. It needed more embroidery, Quilting, accent buttons and binding.  Here is the before picture:
And here is the after - finished picture:
I had two projects that didn't get finished but 4 out of 6 in a three month period was not too bad.  I may just make a dent in these UFO's after all.  These were some of my smaller ones.  I have some large ones that I think one per quarter would be a great accomplishment.  So I will have to start digging and figure out what I want to link to the next quarter, but for now here are my accomplishments.

Have a great day everyone!   Blessings,  Lynn

Q3 Finish-A-Long #3

she can quilt

A Christmas Wall hanging that had everything done except the binding was not stitched on in the back.  Yeah another finish!

So here's showing the unfinished binding, The finished binding and the front of my wall hanging.

Blessings, Lynn

Q3 Finish-A-Long #2

she can quilt

Here is my #2 Finish for the Q3 Finish A Long.

My Easter wall hanging - It needed to be quilted and bound. And another finish!   Here is the before shot:
And here is the finished shot:
It doesn't look much different except if you zoom in you can see the quilting and then of course it is now bound.

Blessings Lynn

Q3 Finish Along #1

Well now it's time to link up and show the progress of how I did on my wish list of UFO's to finish this quarter for 2013 Finish-A-Long.

she can quilt
Here is my 1st finish.  It is a Dresden Plate wall hanging. - Here is the before shot:
And here is the After/Finished shot:
We were on vacation, a drive trip to Arizona from Oregon and I actually did the rest of the embroidery, applique and quilting, while we were on the road.
Blessings Lynn

Embroidery Machine - Practice +

 I signed up for the Kimberbell mystery block of the month to give me practice with my new embroidery machine.  Here are the January blocks ...