Thursday, January 1, 2015

January Wish List ... Goals

Well I'm going to start blogging my ideas of what I want to accomplish each month in hopes that it keeps me a little more organized and focused.  For years now I've said I want to finish UFO's and that's not happening very quickly. Also last year I had this nice Idea that I would work on Christmas all year long so I could finish some of these really cute Christmas things I have collected. I even found a group of people that were dedicated to doing "One Christmas Item a Month"  - Ya that didn't happen either.  I will cut myself a little slack - we did retire and move 1000 miles away in August - but this year - I need to kick into gear and get some of these projects done.  I didn't even do the projects I thought I would start for 2014.  So if you made it through all of that thank you and here is my list.  

1.  Work in Process  (WIP)  a  baby quilt for my newest great grandson "Benji"  I'm calling it "Monsters"  It's a pattern from AJ Padilla she offered it as a BOM last year.  I have all of the Monster blocks done that I'm going to put in and the top stitching done.  Goal for this month:  I want to finish putting the borders on the blocks and complete the top and have it sandwiched ready to quilt.  Bonus would be if I can start quilting it too.

And if I do get this done - I will be linking it up to "A Lovely Year of Finishes 2015"   

2. I did a scrap busting BOM from Peggy Anne's Quilt shop.  My friend in Mississippi and I were doing it together.  We got the block and then it would tell you what colors to add for the sashing from your stash - we thought it would be fun to see how different they came out when we were each done.  I have 11 of the 12 blocks done.  It's going to be pretty big when it's done. 
Goal for this month:  I want to finish  the top - which will include the 12th block and the borders. There are two borders, one of which is piano keys around the edge.  

3. I am working on a Christmas Sampler called "Twas the Night before Christmas"  That I got from Kaaren Johnson at "The Painted Quilt Blog" It was one of her First Friday Freebies.  She did her's in Red Work, but I did mine in colors.  I am on the second to last stitchery the Santa.
Goal for the Month:  Finish the Santa block.

4.  BOM's -  
I am currently doing a BOM with Jacquelynne Steves - I love her work and her style.  She started a BOM in October called "Sew Sweet Simplicity".  I have 1 1/2 blocks done of the 3 she has published.  Catch that up to Current.  

Here is what I have so far.

Tried several times to rotate pic and it won't turn. :)

5.  New BOM  I want to join Jenny of Elefantz she is offering a new BOM  called Vintage Kitchen.  So I want to do the first block. 

6.  New Stuff -  I am a member of the Colorado River Quilt Guild and one of the projects they are doing is called the "ABCD" Quilt that is being taught by Kim Schrader Fauth,  I will be going to that on the 8th of the month.  I'll keep you posted on that. 

7.  For a couple of years now, I have been wanting to get a good start and keep going on a quilt for my Sister that has 2 bears in the center and other woodsy animals around the edge.   So in January I want to finish the bear blocks with the top stitching and all.  The top stitching will provide I lot of the detail. Today I started the fusing part of one of the bears.  


7.   My Monthly Doll Quilt swap - theme is "A good book". 

Extra Credit - 
 If there is any additional time this month - I want to finish the binding on a quilt that I've been trying to finish for years.  And then if there is still time - I want to work on a Christmas item. I'm still trying to get all the Christmas projects done.  




  1. You have some very worthy goals and all your projects are beautiful. Your sew Sweet Simplicity project fabrics are gorgeous. I would love to see closer photos.

    I love Jenny of Elefantz' embroidery patterns. That looks like a fun and beautiful project to do.

    Those cheerful monsters would make any child unafraid of the dark. I made a monster quilt years ago for my son and it is still a favorite.

  2. You have some lovely WIPs! I had to come and visit you from ALYOF as I had my own Benji eight weeks ago and it's quite an unusual name1


Embroidery Machine - Practice +

 I signed up for the Kimberbell mystery block of the month to give me practice with my new embroidery machine.  Here are the January blocks ...