Saturday, February 28, 2015

February Finishes and March Goals

Well I have  to say two months in a row I have done really well with my goals and wishes of accomplishments.  I have finished my one item that I deemed  for the "lovely year of finishes"  and I have finished or made progress on everything I hoped to and this month I even had several extra things that were thrown in.  But the proof is in the pictures right so here it goes:  
1.  Peggy Anne's - Oh Scrap - finish the top - Complete.
As I wrote about in another post, it is so big I had trouble pinning it on the design wall - hence the little warble on the top border.  It really is straight. 
2. Mystery Monday from January -  Complete!
It is quilted (more free motion quilting practice) - bound and all.  I am using this as a table topper - but will be taking it to the monthly free motion quilting class for show and tell first.  :)

3. Mystery Monday February - Complete!  

I wasn't sure what to expect when I set up my goals so I took a chance and said I would finish.  I was fortunate, it was a small project.  
4. ABCD - Progress... but it may be scrapped.  It will not be completed the way it was intended to be, but I have some ideas that can be used.  We'll see.  And so for now I won't be showing a picture. 
5. Vintage Kitchen by Jenny of Elefantz - Block 2 - Complete
They are small little stitchery's so they don't take too long.  

6. Jacquelynne's Steves - "Sew Sweet Simplicity" Block of the month - Progress.  I wanted to complete blocks 4,5 and 6.  I got the center appliques for each block done, but only got blocks 4 and 5 completed.  


7. Snowman Birdhouse BOM for the Stitch N Rippit - Complete! (for now anyway) I will be using some buttons for the nose and eyes, that I'll be putting on later. 

8. Bears Block, top stitching - Progress.  No picture at this point.  I had to rip out some and redo part of the applique on one of the bears,  so I made progress - but not done.  :(

9. Tea Leaf - Complete!!  

I linked this up with A Lovely year of Finishes and got it done. 

10.  St. Patrick's Day table runner top - Top is Complete!

Since this workshop was at the end of the month I wasn't sure how much I would be able to accomplish on it.  So I only said the top.  

11.  The special block for guild member - complete!
Can't show a picture - have to trust me on that one.  *wink* 

12.  Give Away due to the Grow your Blog Hop - she selected a pincushion - Complete!  Again, no picture, she hasn't gotten it yet. 

Then there were things that came up that weren't on the list that I ended up doing too.     
We had a charity workshop at both of the guilds.  
At CRQ - they were doing quilts, and so I got this top done, they have someone that will quilt it. 

and at the SNR guild we did pillow cases.  I didn't get pictures but there were 15 of us and we got 47 pillow cases done, 6 of which I did.  We are donating them to a local domestic violence shelter.  I had only made 2 other pillow cases in my life and that was just recently.  I have to say I've got a bug for them now and so I came home and made 2 more for us.  So I've made 8 this month.  Here is a picture of the 2 I made for us.  They are tan with a cream accent and a dark brown cuff.  

So it has been a busy and productive month.  YAY!!!!
Now I did have a 3 day retreat in there, so that helped a lot, so I'm trying to keep that in mind as I set up my goals and wishes for March. So here is goes ~
1.  Sew Sweet Simplicity (pictured above) - Complete the last block and then finish the top, quilt and bind.  Jacquelynne is having a contest for those that finish her BOM also I will be linking this up to ALYOF.  So I'll be pushing on this one.  
2.  Vintage Kitchen block 3. I don't know which block that will be yet. 
3.  February and March Bird House Blocks.  Will get March's at March meeting on the 10th. 
4.   March Mystery Monday - complete. That may be stretching it, since I have no Idea what we're doing. In January it was a full fledged lap quilt / table topper.  I'll find out on the 9th. 
5.   St. Patrick's Table Runner (pictured above) - completed. 
6.  SNR - Workshop is a Frog Pincushion - Don't know how hard this will be so I'll play it safe on this one and say I'll have it started. 
7.  Bears Block Top Stitched. 
8.  Finish the embroidery on the Santa Block from the "Twas the Night Before Christmas" Quilt.  It wasn't a goal this month but I did end up working on it a little, and made some progress. 

Along with these goals.  The additional items I know about that I will be doing are: 

- Charity Quilts for both guilds.  I have another  kit ready to make for CRQ, Then at SNR we are going to sandwich tops and quilt them. 
- I will also be making more pillow cases. At least 2 more sets.   
-  Also I am taking a class using another of Toni Whitney patterns (that was what I made the Sea Turtles with) - this one is the Great Blue Heron.  This is not until the 28th of March so not expecting to be too far along on it.
Great Blue Heron - Applique Quilt Pattern - Toni Whitney Design GBH022TW

Extra Credit:  There is a UFO busting tool at All People's Quilts, that I am going to try.  How it works is you list 12 UFO's that you would like to finish or make progress on.  Each month on the first Monday they randomly generate a number. Which ever UFO is listed by that number is the project you work on all month to hopefully finish or at least make progress on. 
So, my extra credit this  month will be what ever project that gets drawn from them. 

Well that's it for this month.  I don't have a 3 day retreat to help me out this month so I'm hoping I haven't made the list too long.   
Guess we'll see. 
Thanks for stopping by, 


  1. What an amazing amount of progress and finishes!

  2. Wow! You are on a roll. My favorites (not that you're asking, heh) are the Mystery Monday February piece and the embroidered apron. :)


Embroidery Machine - Practice +

 I signed up for the Kimberbell mystery block of the month to give me practice with my new embroidery machine.  Here are the January blocks ...