Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Oh Scrap - a Goal met

I am as excited as I can be.  I started this Block of the Month in January of 2014 with my dear dear friend in Mississippi.  It was a Christmas present to her from me.  Each month we would get the BOM together and since we are so far apart it was a way to be together. It was intended to use up your scraps of batiks, hence the name "Oh Scrap".  It was from a quilt shop called Peggy Anne's and so over the year I would refer to it as the Peggy Anne quilt. The quilt shop sent us the pattern and material to make the star block, then would give us the pattern and size of the setting blocks, to grab from our stash.  Example pick one green or blue 5x7 and one rose or pink 7x10.  So it will be fun to see how different our quilts will be in the end.  Finishing the top was one of my goals for February and I was able to do that. The top measures approx 98x98. Whew  it's a big one.  I am planning to quilt this myself when the time comes but no promises when that will be.   Because it is so big it's hard to get a good picture and was too big for the design wall.  We pinned it up and by the time I took the picture one of the top pins came out.  :) 
Here it is:  
My friend has other projects and obligations that wouldn't allow her to finish hers yet, but whenever she gets it done and I get the picture I'll be sure to post again.  As for now, I'm just very happy to have the top done, a goal met and I will also be linking up to Wednesday's WIP.  
WIPs on Wednesdays

Thanks for stopping by - Blessings,

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Embroidery Machine - Practice +

 I signed up for the Kimberbell mystery block of the month to give me practice with my new embroidery machine.  Here are the January blocks ...