Sunday, February 1, 2015

Progress and New Goals

If you are looking for "Grow your Blog" Click here!

Well January was the first time in a long time if ever that I published my list of goals for the month.  And I have to say it was a great motivator  to keep me focused and on track.  However it was very revealing to me how much I can get distracted and want to stray from my first of the month to do/wish list.  *grin* 

So how did I do you ask?  Pretty good I think!  
Here goes:

#1.   Baby Quilt for my Great Grandson Benji...  "Monsters"  I free motion quilted all the blocks, which I'm just beginning on that so I am really pleased that I got it ......DONE!!!

#2.  The BOM from Peggy Anne's.... No Progress.

#3.  Twas the Night Before Christmas, Santa Block...... there was progress but it is not done - so that will carry over to February.  

#4.   Jacquelynne Steves "Sweet Simplicity" BOM blocks 1,2 and 3 .... Done!!!  

#5.   "Vintage Kitchen"  BOM by Jenny of Elefantz Block 1.... Done!!!  As I mentioned before, I am doing this in a salmon color.  

6.  ABCD Quilt.   I was not sure what to expect on this and so in my goals setting for January, I left it as a question of what would be accomplished.  I went to the class and I made all the blocks at the class.  So I'm going to count this as a goal met.

The process that the teacher uses is that you make a bunch of these blocks and then you have unlimited amount of quilts that you can make from them depending on how you arrange them.  Here is a sampling of the blocks we made in the class.This was a quick lay out and may not be the finished lay out. 

7.  Bears Block for my Sister's "Woodsy" quilt that I am designing. 
Well - I made progress but it's not complete with top stitching that was my goal. It won't look so choppy once I do some thread painting on it.  *smile* 

8.  Doll Quilt for "Doll Quilters Monthly" Swap.... Done!!!  I've been doing this swap for a couple of years now, but have decided to take a break for a while, so this is my last swap. My partner has not received her quilt yet so I can only show a peek for now.  

Extra Credit For January -  To finish the binding on a quilt from too long ago.... I didn't get that far - so of course that will carry forward.  :)  

I have to say I am very pleased with all that I got done and the progress I made.  The list really did help me to stay focused.  

So what's on the agenda for February -  This list is going to be a long one, however I have a 3 day sewing retreat to work on whatever I want to so I am planning to be able to accomplish a little more than normal.   We'll see.  *wink*


#1.  Carry over from January - the Peggy Anne's BOM Quilt.  I still need to do the last block and it has 96 piano keys for one of the borders.  I want to finish the top. 

#2.   I have been going to a class at the local quilt shop called "Mystery Monday"  in January the project was this 35x35 quilt that could be a lap quilt or table topper and so I picked colors I wanted for a table topper.  We worked that day and the next to get it done but we didn't.  I want to finish the whole thing quilting and all.  
Here are the 2 of 9 blocks needed.  There will be 5 of the one on the left and 4 of the one on the right.    

#3.  Mystery Monday for February will be happening again this Monday the 2nd.  All I know is it is going to be applique, with  our choice of machine or hand.  I've been doing so much fusible applique lately that I want to do this one by hand.  So I will take a gamble and say I'll finish it.  ha ha 

#4. ABCD Quilt - I want to get the blocks trimmed and decide on a lay out and finish the top.  See blocks above.  

#5.  Vintage Kitchen  by Jenny of Elefantz - finish the 2nd Block.  I'm not sure which one it will be, January's block was the top left one. You can still join in click here.  

#6.   Sweet Simplicity by Jacquelynne Steves BOM.  I want to do the final 3 blocks.  This was a 4 block BOM, however she has given us 2 bonus blocks in case we wanted to make this a 6 block quilt.  I want to use this a table topper, so I will be doing all 6 blocks.  The remaining 3 that I will be doing is the top left block and the bottom 2 on the 6 block quilt.  The there I've already completed are above.

#7  Birdhouse BOM  - This is a project for the Stitch N Rippit guild.  I need to do the block for January which is the snowman in the top left corner, and I will get the February one at the next meeting so I want to complete both blocks.  

#8  Carry over from January and continuing on with the Woodsy Quilt, I want to finish the bear(s) block top stitching and thread painting.  Pictured Above. 

#9.  Tea Leaf Table Runner.  This is a workshop that we had at the Colorado Quilters Guild a few months back.  It is a Judy Niemeyer paper pieced pattern.  I just need to applique the leaf on the background and then quilt and bind.  I want to complete that.   

10.  There is a workshop in February at the Stitch N Rippit guild for a St Paddy Day Table runner.  I don't know how detailed it is so I want to at least finish the top. 

Before I get to the extra credit - I also need to make myself a name tag for the Stitch N Rippits guild meetings, and I also have a block that I need to make for a surprise gift for one of our members of one of the guilds - can't say more than that.  And I am hosting a give away on my blog post "Grow your Blog" which is open until February 14th.  (Quick - go leave a comment) And I will be making a set of mug rugs or a pincushion depending on who wins.... so there's 3 more things.  :)  

Extra Credit

EX1.  Quilt and bind ABCD Quilt

EX2.  Top Stitch the Quail block I've already done for the Woodsy Quilt.  

EX3.  Start top stitching my Sea Turtles quilt. 

EX4.  Make another block for the Woodsy Quilt.  I don't know if it will be a fox,  a rabbit or a bird.... But make another block towards it. 
Well if you made it this far - Thank you and have a blessed day! Lynn


1 comment:

  1. Wow Lynn... Love your post.. it was fun to see all you have done and will do in one place .. love the EXTRA CREDIT too :) Your work really rocks! Thanks for sharing :) Kathi


Embroidery Machine - Practice +

 I signed up for the Kimberbell mystery block of the month to give me practice with my new embroidery machine.  Here are the January blocks ...